Grigor Dimitrov uses tapes because he is bald


Switzerland’s second rocket, Stan Vavrinka, made a funny but also curious comment about Grigor Dimitrov and the straps the Bulgarian athlete wears while on the court. The winner of the 3 Grand Slam titles had a live conversation on Instagram with his French counterpart Benoit Per.

In the course of the conversation, the Frenchman Per raised the subject of his colleague’s vision:

Benoit Perr: You have to do long hair.

Stanislas Vavrinka: The problem is that when I play, my hair falls on my face and I get a “Polish hairstyle”.

Benoit Perr: So just wear a headband.

Stanislas Vavrinka: Like Grigor? But he wears one for other reasons.

Pere: What are the reasons?

Wawrinka laughs and says: to hide that she is going bald.
