Great success of the Bulgarian organization of the Berlin Process – Bulgaria


“There is a lot of symbolism in the Joint Home of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia of the Berlin Process. It is the first joint host of its kind from an EU member state and a Western Balkan country and is a confirmation of our firm commitment to the development of the region “.

This was stated by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov in his welcoming speech at the opening of the Berlin Summit. The Bulgarian Prime Minister recalled that our country has accepted the invitation to jointly host the initiative in 2020 during the Poznan meeting in July 2019.

“We were convinced that such a move is a natural continuation of what was achieved during the Bulgarian presidency of the EU Council in 2018 and, at the same time, 15 years in the middle of the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Thessaloniki, Bulgaria returned to the agenda of the EU the issue of the European perspective of the region, ”Borissov told the leaders of the Balkan countries.

Prime Minister Borissov no longer has COVID-19, Zaev said

“> Prime Minister Borissov no longer has COVID-19, Zaev said

He also commented on the global coronary virus pandemic, which blocked and collapsed the world economy, challenged the foundations of national health and social care structures, and shook the value systems of nations.

“This pandemic has profoundly and irreversibly changed the lives and destiny of people at the local, regional, national and global levels,” Borissov said.

In this context, the Bulgarian Prime Minister noted the improvement of connectivity in all its aspects: transport, economic, energy, digital, connectivity between people with emphasis on youth, education, security. The launch of a common regional market and a Green Agenda for the Western Balkans and other initiatives that contribute to better cooperation and understanding in the region are also crucial.

“It is important for us, within the Berlin Process, to pay special attention to the development of infrastructure connectivity in the region, as this is the circulatory system in the Balkans, through which both companies and citizens live”, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said.

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“Let us not forget that the Western Balkans together represent a market for some 20 million people. This will give prospects to young people who are currently emigrating at a rapid pace and will seek an adequate response to the demographic crisis, regional cooperation and good relations from neighborhood, “Borissov said.

Addressing the leaders, the Prime Minister pointed out that, as a joint host of the Berlin Process, Bulgaria is driven by its desire to help the countries of the region on the path of their European integration, as well as to strengthen good neighborly relations, regional security and cooperation, which become even more important. in the context of common challenges.

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov thanked German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev for their active participation in today’s important forum.

In the presence of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, in the framework of the Berlin Summit, the leaders of the Western Balkan countries ratified the Declaration on the Common Regional Market and the Declaration on the Green Agenda online.

The two documents are a great success for the joint hosting of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia in the Berlin Process, as they unite the efforts of the Western Balkans for their even closer integration into the norms and standards of the European Union. .

Bringing the Western Balkans region into line with the EU’s single market rules and engaging it in comprehensive regional cooperation is an important step towards further EU integration. The common regional market aims to connect the economies of the Western Balkans through the free movement of people, goods, services and capital. The declaration also encourages the creation of regional digital, industrial, investment and innovation links. Better integration of the Western Balkan economies in the region and with the EU also requires a strong commitment from these countries to reform, deepen regional economic integration and develop the acquis-based Common Regional Market in order to make the region a more attractive investment area. Last but not least, the region’s deeper economic integration is also beneficial to its recovery from the coronavirus crisis.

The new vision of the regional economic space is fully in line with the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans recently presented by the European Commission. It is important not only in terms of financial support for the region, but also in terms of including the immediate neighborhood of the EU in the same reconstruction process that all EU countries must go through.

The Declaration on a Green Agenda for the Western Balkans is fully in line with the EU’s main efforts to combat climate change, protect the environment and unlock the economic potential of the green, circular and low-carbon economy of the region. Through the document, the Western Balkan countries demonstrate their willingness and commitment to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal, making a significant contribution to the ambitious Green Agenda for the region. The Western Balkans are committed to action in five key areas: climate, energy, mobility; circular economy; air, water and soil cleaning; sustainable agriculture and food production; biodiversity. This will allow the countries of the region to be active participants in contributing to the development of EU policies, and not just in their implementation.

During the Berlin Summit, held online today, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed that the event takes place under very difficult circumstances. He congratulated the participants for the progress made in the regional common market, which he said is an encouraging message for the economies, as well as in the agreement on the green agenda. Merkel pointed out that we must not forget that in addition to the challenges of covid-19, climate change remains an important issue.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, stressed the importance of signing documents today. Together with the organization of the Berlin Process, they join the efforts of the Western Balkans to join the norms and standards of the European Union. He highlighted the importance of investments in infrastructure development in the Western Balkans.
