Goran Blagoev is associate professor candidate at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, they are discussing whether it is mild plagiarism


The teacher describes in 20 pages copied by others authors passages in the book of the former TV host with whom appears in the competition for academic position

The jury says no plagiarism, scientific advice will decide the last

Is Goran Blagoev plagiarized? This topic was dealt with by a scientific jury and the Ethics Commission of the Institute of Balkan Studies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, where the former BNT TV presenter participated in a competition to become an associate professor. This is revealed by the documents published on the institute’s website.

The candidates for the academic post are three doctors: Goran Blagoev, Iveta Rasheva and Julia Zlatkova. The two ladies are also assistant chiefs. Each of them has presented their work to the jury, who must choose the most worthy.

Goran Blagoev entered the contest with his book “Church and Identity in the Balkans: The Bulgarian Exarchate and Vardar Macedonia until the end of the Second World War”. It was released this year. There are seven members of the jury who evaluate the work of the candidates and must admit one of them to the Scientific Council, which decides their selection. One of the reviewers, Prof. D.Sc. Orlin Sabev, has sent a signal to the Minister of Education, in which he writes that there is plagiarism in Goran Blagoev’s habilitation work. From Professor Sabev’s review it is clear that Blagoev’s book is popular science rather than strictly academic, it contains

only foreigner

works like

there are places

literally or


borrowing from

whole passages

Since in most places Blagoev cited where he copied from, Professor Sabev defines this as a kind of plagiarism. However, he points out that there are long passages of foreign texts in the book, without citing the original source.

“There are also factual inaccuracies in Blagoev’s text due to the mechanical change of passages of the foreign text applied by him,” Professor Sabev wrote in his review. And more: “According to international academic standards, this is retweet plagiarism: the author quotes the title of a particular source, but what he wrote is very similar in words, sentence structure and grammatical forms to the original content” . According to Professor Sabev, Blagoev’s book does not meet these job criteria with which to apply for an associate professor.

In addition, there were no research, analysis and specifically presented and argued proposals from the author or hypothesis. The final part with results, conclusions and contributions from the investigation was also missing. To test his thesis, Professor Sabev also attached 20 pages of passages from Goran Blagoev’s book and compared them with those of the original authors.

The same

the texts are

of colors

in yellow

It is clear from the table that the book “The Bulgarian Church National Movement (1856–1870)” by Professor Vera Boneva was the most widely used, but also other historians and scholars. Professor Sabev’s review claims that Blagoev cited only one archival unit from the wealthy Bulgarian Exarchate fund, and that in an online post.

In conclusion, the professor says that Goran Blagoev is not suitable for the academic position of associate professor at BAS. Also, of foreign languages, he was only fluent in Russian and his knowledge of English, French and Balkan was of a basic level.

Critical, but a bit more selected in his review, is another member of the jury: Prof. Ph.D. Nikolai Aretov. According to him, the comparative tables of his colleague Professor Sabev are accurate, but one can hardly speak of plagiarism in this case.

“Goran Blagoev fully adheres to previous researchers and practically does not work with sources, not only with archival documents, but even with periodicals from the 19th century. There are no attempts to problematize the dominants,” wrote philologist Prof. Aretov . According to him, however

Blagoev after all

has his thing, although

and minimum,

contribution to

his monograph

He notes that the strength of the candidacy of the former BNT presenter is his popularity, which may help the activities of the Institute for Balkan Studies at BAS, but: “On the other hand, recently some public actions by Blagoev undermine quite a lot of authority in the eyes of at least part of the audience. “

“24 hours”

Goran searched

Blagoev for

opinion on the case

He declined to comment and referred to the jury’s decision after a signal to the Minister of Education. And there is no plagiarism in his book.

Of the three candidacies, the next stage is that of Goran Blagoev. The jury proposes it to the scientific council of the institute with 5 votes “in favor” and 2 “against”. They belong to Professor Orlin Sabev and Associate Professor Ekaterina Anastasova, according to whom Blagoev’s book is interesting to the general public, but has no qualifying work qualities and Goran Blagoev should not be offered as an associate professor.

The Scientific Council is made up of 23 people and approves the academic positions proposed by 50% plus one of the votes. The vote is secret, unlike the jury and the plagiarism committee.

The scientist

the advice will be

pick up on

December 15

“The issue of plagiarism is still there, but informally. If the Scientific Council considers these actions unacceptable, a majority should vote against their choice. It has already happened. It is a matter of personal and scientific ethics. I hope it will approach in principle, but here they will probably be influenced by collateral factors “, Prof. Orlin Sabev, who is also a member of this council, tells” 24 Chasa. He cites the law, according to which the work of associate professor candidates and Teacher should be new and contribute to the relevant field, and not just “lazy copy”.

“Once upon a time we studied re-counting with elements of reasoning. There is no retelling here, there is no effort to say in other words. A few years ago, at my suggestion, we interrupted my PhD student’s doctoral thesis for such a transcription of authors, although it cites them. This is an unacceptable practice for scientific articles. Even in the instructions of the University of Sofia to students, it is written that they should not copy their semester papers. This is unacceptable abroad. There are programs to verify the level of plagiarism in the written work of students. This is not the case in our country – said Professor Sabev and added: – Is it possible that the luminaries of medicine make the vaccine against the coronavirus by copying the work of your colleagues who have done it for other epidemics? ”.
