Google celebrates the birth of the Bulgarian who discovered Lactobacterium bulgaricum – Curious


Google today celebrates the birth of Dr. Stamen Grigorov, a Bulgarian microbiologist and physician, known as the discoverer of the microorganism that causes the formation of yogurt, Lactobacterium bulgaricum.

The bacteria feed on lactose and produce lactic acid, it is found freely in the nature of Bulgaria.

The bacterium was first described in 1905 by Bulgarian student Stamen Grigorov in a report presented at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. At that time he was studying medicine in Geneva.

7 important discoveries made by Bulgarians

Thanks to Lactobacillus bulgaricus, yogurt is a natural probiotic that has a beneficial effect on humans, according to BNR.

One of the first probiotics in the world was developed by Prof. Nikola Alexandrov in the 80s of the 20th century in Bulgaria from Lactobacillus bulgaricus.

A yoghurt museum has been established in the hometown of Dr. Stamen Grigorov – Studen Izvor.

DW: How Bulgarian yogurt didn’t become an antibiotic
