Germany closes bars, cafes and theaters on November 2


Angela Merkel PHOTO: Reuters

A partial quarantine will take effect in Germany for a period of four weeks on Monday, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel said, cited by world agencies.

Merkel spoke at a press conference after a video conference with the prime ministers of the 16 German provinces, in which the decision was made, reports BTA.

These firm measures, which will be in force throughout the country, should make it possible to minimize social contacts and thus stop the rapid spread of the coronavirus, said the German Chancellor. “We must act, and now, to avoid a serious national health emergency,” he said.

Merkel announced that, as part of the partial quarantine from November 2, restaurants, sports and cultural sites in Germany will be closed. Food establishments may make home deliveries. Unlike the spring national quarantine, schools, kindergartens and shops will remain open.

The German chancellor clarified that the authorities will adjust the measures within two weeks, if necessary.

Merkel urged the Germans not to take unnecessary trips. Hotels will not be able to accommodate tourists, he warned.

The German Chancellor announced that the government will provide up to 10 billion euros in additional emergency aid to help the economic sectors that will be affected by the tightening of the measures. Smaller businesses will receive an amount of 75 percent of their unrealized income.

The later we take action against the coronavirus, the more the economy will suffer, Bavarian Prime Minister Marcus Zoeder warned.

Berlin Mayor Michael Mueller acknowledged that the partial quarantine was a tough measure, but was optimistic that Germany had a “good chance” of coming out “in good shape.” “Our hope is that (the quarantine) gives us the opportunity to reduce this dramatic situation,” Mueller said.

Earlier today, the Robert Koch Institute announced a record 15,000 new coronavirus cases in Germany in the last 24 hours. Thus, the total number of infected registered in the country with a population of 83 million people exceeded 449 thousand.

27 people have died in the last 24 hours from Kovid-19. Thus, the total number of deaths in the country from the disease caused by the new coronavirus reached 10,098.

The death toll in Germany is lower than in countries with a similar number of infected people as in other major European countries. This is partly explained by a good healthcare system.
