Gergana Stoyanova would die on the job.


Heavy drama and work overload almost killed actress Gergana Stoyanova. The star of the series The Stolen Life is living a second life, he admits. Some time ago, she almost died directly on set.

The incident, in which Gergana Stoyanova is mentioned to this day, shudders and cries, occurred when she was about 40 years old, at first sight in the prime of her power. At that time, she worked as an executive producer on the television series “Unedited”, broadcast in 2013 by BNT. Gergana must take care of the adequate expenses of the budget assigned to the production, as well as the good work flow in it.

However, one day when he arrived on set, he was told that a very important member of the team was refusing to work. The man was not satisfied with the payment, telephoned and said that his foot would no longer enter this production. Without it, the work could not continue, and each day of filming costs BGN 45,000, money lost if the plan for the day is not completed. On top of that, the scenes to be filmed couldn’t be delayed another time. As an executive producer, Gergana had to deal with all these problems quickly and find a solution. Instead, his nerves couldn’t bear it, and he panicked.

That was not his only problem. It was during this period of his life that the star went through a very serious personal drama. She was getting divorced. Divorce was the second in her life that made her feel rejected and unwanted as a woman. The accumulated despair, the feeling of personal failure, added to the shock of sudden problems in production, almost killed her. “I understood, my face and hands were crooked,” recalls the star, who plays the role of Dr. Polly Grancharova in “The Stolen Life.” His colleagues immediately called an ambulance, and when they brought her to Pirogov, she saw his body lying in the ambulance and the glow of the doctor who attended him. Her heart rate reached 249 beats per minute at normal values ​​between 70 and 85 beats.

“I wanted my life to stop,” admits the woman with one of the most popular voices in Bulgaria today. He just regretted not being able to say goodbye to his parents and children. To this day, she claims that her problem was due to overload and nervous tension. However, many people assume that she may have had a stroke, which fortunately was not fatal.

Gergana Stoyanova is in good health today. But on her face is a memory of that difficult day in her life 8 years ago, a distortion that is especially noticeable around her mouth. For years, this problem has been a joke about the actress. Many people believe that the distortion is due to unsuccessful beautification attempts. His face is said to have taken an unnatural shape as the star has been exaggerated with botox, fillers and plastic skin tightening operations. But it turns out that the true cause is far from vanity, but it is purely healthy.

Fortunately, the distortion did not affect Gergana Stoyanova’s charm and beauty or her “golden voice”. She is one of the most popular actresses in voice acting and voice acting. After recovering from his attack 8 years ago, he continues to do anything, claiming to be an inspiration. By the time he reached the stolen life series, becoming one of the most popular characters, he writes the weekend tabloid.

