GERB will not govern and its leader will not be prime minister


Whether or not GERB wins the election, the party will not rule and its leader will cease to be prime minister. We Bulgarian citizens are no longer so inexperienced that we don’t know what happens when there are street protests and such an unpopular parliament.

This was predicted to BNR by Associate Prof. Svetoslav Malinov, Head of the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski ”. Malinov is also a former MEP from the European People’s Party group.

According to him, the crisis is already much greater than two months ago, when an explosion of indignation over specific events broke out.

The vast majority of citizens believe that this parliament is incomplete and that early elections must be held, and this can be seen in the very low confidence, said the political scientist, according to whom the opposition will continue to fail the quorum in the National Assembly. of the discipline of the rulers.

The government is in a state of survival, Svetoslav Malinov is inflexible.

“There is a resource to survive, but when a government, especially in a difficult situation for our country and an internationally difficult situation, the survival regime is disastrous for the citizens. At the moment, we cannot afford a government in a state of survival. “

The logic beyond the protests and the logic of the party, according to Malinov, is to go to early elections, because at this time “the instability of the state is in fact transferred as the responsibility of the GERB, not the protesters.”

In this Association, Professor Malinov sees part of the great change compared to the situation of two months ago.

The attitude towards Borissov and the GERB party at the European level has changed and this can no longer be hidden, added Svetoslav Malinov. According to him, “certain things could not be understood at an earlier stage.”

“At the moment we cannot wait for the European Union to solve our problem related to early elections and the resignation of the government; this is offensive to us, but we can be sure that no one is under any illusions,” said the former MEP.

“We had the opportunity to change this government or change the GERB party, send it to the opposition, we did not, and in that sense only we can change things through elections.”

We need to know what to expect as a European reaction, not to expect “false things and not to be disappointed,” Malinov said.

“European funds will not be reduced, no words will be spoken against the Bulgarian government, unless it violates the law and does absolutely unacceptable things,” he added.

“If something depended on the outside, we would already have a complete judicial reform. After all these years, after all these critical reports, everything depends on the political will in Bulgaria. It does not exist and the European Union just shrugs its shoulders. Perhaps some It seems that the European Union is very strong, very centralized, but we all know that this is not the case and that the Bulgarian government, not the European bureaucracy, is of fundamental importance for the quality of our lives, “added Svetoslav Malinov.
