GERB modified the Law of the State of Emergency


The last minute reforms to the Law on Patents and Registration of Utility Models modified the Law on Measures and Actions during the State of Emergency, which was in force in the first two months of the health crisis. “Now”.

The changes were made at the suggestion of GERB in the final texts of the transitory and final provisions of the patent law.

Probably the government has hidden the hope that nobody will pay attention to what is voted in such a long project, with which the majority of the deputies, as well as the citizens, are completely unaware.

The change refers to a specific provision of the emergency law, which describes the special powers of the bodies that manage the European Structural and Investment Funds during the state of emergency. The text of the provision establishes that these bodies can unilaterally modify the grant agreements according to the need for crisis measures; award grants according to simplified rules, even without publishing a call for proposals; shorten deadlines in grant awarding procedures, etc.

The government has now demanded that these powers be extended during the current epidemic situation and the nine months after their abolition.

The stealth change was captured by the BSP. Social MP Ivan Ivanov insisted that his vote be postponed until the next day so that Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev, who is in charge of the EU funds, can explain in parliament what it is about.

“Someone should come and explain – whether he will be a minister or deputy prime minister – otherwise we will consider it a robbery and cover-up of abuse … It will put a stain on this parliament as a time machine and as a machine to cover up abuse,” he said Ivanov. However, his proposal was tacitly rejected by the majority.

The ruling party also continued with unclear votes for them. Texts on the controversial change were subjected to an extremely confusing renumbering, which puzzled everyone who followed the bill, including plenary Valeri Simeonov. “Who understands what it is about, to vote”, finally Simeonov refused to understand what was happening with the legislation. Thus, the amendment to the emergency law was adopted.

