GERB for the first time in a vote union for parliament, this delays registration


Borissov left the structures alone to negotiate with the UDF the seats on the lists

The first in the 15-year history of the GERB pre-electoral coalition for the parliamentary vote delayed the party’s registration with the Central Election Commission.

Ministers Denitsa Sacheva and Professor Kostadin Angelov will be leaders on the GERB lists.

Ministers Denitsa Sacheva and Professor Kostadin Angelov will be leaders on the GERB lists. PHOTO: Rumyana Toneva

Since the foundation

A queue formed in front of the CCA early in the morning, the first were the presidents of the DB together with Hristo Ivanov, and behind them Tsvetanov with his

A queue formed in front of the CEC early in the morning, the first were the presidents of the DB together with Hristo Ivanov, and behind them Tsvetanov with his “Republicans for Bulgaria”. PHOTO: Nikolay Litov

in 2006

so far the party

by Boyko Borisov


He participated


of elections. And as a party tradition, he sent young people to sleep on the steps of the CEC to be the first party registered to vote.

In 2019, however, GERB formed a coalition with the UDF for the European and local elections. In the same union, the ruling party will stand in the parliamentary elections on April 4, with the coalition announced months ago.

Negotiations at polling stations for UDF people on the lists, however

Slow down

the signature of

the coalition


and respectively the registration with the CEC, learned “24 hours”.

We are likely to wait for the last possible moment to present the documents to the commission, which is next Wednesday, February 17.

Prime Minister and GERB leader Boyko Borissov has left the distribution of positions in the lists of party organizations in places.

Contrary to expectations, they have not been agreed centrally with the UDF leadership. That is why the negotiations dragged on, unofficially explained by the party headquarters.

“Since Tsvetan Tsvetanov left, we are a normal party and function like a normal party, and no decisions are made from above,” explained a senior member of the ruling party.

There were even disputes in some districts

if the contribution of

UDF as votes

It’s enough

to receive


selectable place in the list.

“In an area with a total of six deputies, and the UDF contribution is 300 to 400 votes, it is quite difficult to wait for an elected seat,” a member of the GERB electoral team told 24 Chassa.

However, the blue organizations, for their part, tried to make the most of the expected return of the UDF as a parliamentary party. The last time they had deputies was in the 2014-2017 period as part of the reformist bloc.

The nomination of candidates for deputies, which they organized within the GERB, ended on Monday. According to the rules, each member of the party could nominate up to three people who they considered worthy of the parliament. Otherwise, as “24 Chasa” was the first to announce, the leaders of the lists are unofficially distributed and those positions will be filled by Borissov’s ministers. The prime minister himself is traditionally expected to lead in one of the capital’s districts and in Plovdiv. Most likely, two lists will be headed by Health Minister Kostadin Angelov, as this will be the professor’s first participation in an electoral race.

The GERB delay allowed Democratic Bulgaria to be the first to register for the CEC elections. They even managed to overtake Tsvetan Tsvetanov’s Republicans by a few minutes.

Tsvetanov tricked by Hristo Ivanov into registering for the vote

Traditionally, the first to register for the elections, Tsvetan Tsvetanov, was surpassed by the co-presidents of Democratic Bulgaria, Hristo Ivanov and Atanas Atanasov.

At exactly 9 o’clock, the two presidents entered the CEC and presented documents for the vote on April 4. His young supporters had kept order from the day before. For years this was a common practice of Tsvetanov, who always sent members of the GERB youth structure

spend the night

In front of the door

of the commission

Representatives of the DB and “Republicans for Bulgaria” lined up peacefully early in the morning and even gave each other an epidemic salute by pounding their fists.

Although he joined after the DB, the former second in GERB still boasted that his party was first on the list of records, as the ones who deceived him were a coalition and entered other records of the CEC. “We are the first as a political party in the records, but it is not that important. We comply with the first day of registration. This commitment has been fulfilled, “Tsvetanov said.

Republicans gave him the maximum possible signatures: 9,999, but they showed that they collected more than 31,000. According to Tsvetanov, sociologists underestimate his party and it will collect much more than 1%, according to preliminary polls.

“The more than 31,000 signatures collected mean that we have responded in general terms to what sociologists give us,” he stressed. Candidate lists will be ready very soon, which will be announced with the opening of the party office in Sofia. Next week, Tsvetanov will present his electoral program online. In it, the party relies mainly on judicial reform and changes in the electoral rules for Bulgarians abroad.

Banco del Estado submitted 9,995 signatures of supporters for registration. They applied and

4 electronic

signed that

however, the CEC does not


Bulgaria is firmly established in the 19th century, Atanasov and Ivanov commented on the refusal. Both assured that the DB was the only one that could lead the country to the digital age with electronic government.

Work to get GERB, Borissov and Geshev out of politics and change the model of the economy: this is what the coalition will fight for, the two co-chairs announced immediately after the presentation of the documents.
