GERB bought the splits of the BSP to strengthen its quorum in parliament


“We have not registered at the beginning of the sessions of the National Assembly for a long time. The position of the BSP in this regard is consistent and has not changed. The ruling majority is responsible for the quorum in parliament and in this sense it is clear that the ruling party can not to ensure the normal functioning of the National Assembly. ” This was said by the BSP Vice President for the Bulgarian General Assembly before Bulgaria on Air in connection with the failed session of the National Assembly. According to him, this parliament is delegitimized, the government is harmful to Bulgaria and the left-wing MPs will still not register.

Regarding the BSP deputies who parted ways with the BSP parliamentary group, Prodanov commented: “It is obvious that GERB bought them. Since they can no longer secure a quorum in parliament, they approached them. They agreed and tomorrow the The first point will be a change in the regulations of the National Assembly, a pro forma that will give the so-called progressive socialists a few more minutes to speak in plenary. But this is just one reason for them to join the GERB. ” Prodanov noted that after they left the BSP parliamentary group, the party organizations that nominated them made it clear that they should also leave parliament. “The people who voted for the BSP four years ago, respectively for these socialists, did so with the idea of ​​removing the GERB from power, and not fixing it in power, which they are doing now,” he explained.

“Obviously, the government has no plan to deal with the crisis. It has become clear that the last seven months have been lost and the health system is not prepared for a more serious influx of patients, something that many experts have warned must At the beginning of the state of emergency, the BSP also insisted on this “, commented Prodanov about the health crisis in the country.

According to the socialist, the budget for next year, proposed by the government, is undoubtedly pre-electoral. “A large expense is being prepared in the last months of the year just to buy the elections,” warned Prodanov. “Giving 50 BGN to pensioners until the elections with the promise that this will continue if they win, this is cynical and an absolute attempt to buy the elections. The BSP is talking about recalculating all pensions, which will be a permanent increase in pensions. “, said. More Hristo Prodanov on the show “The Day On Air”.

