Gen. Mutafchiiski, are you afraid of the coronavirus? The | Society News from Bulgaria and the world


General Mutafchiiski is 55 years old, born on August 20 and afraid of the coronavirus. This was made clear from the responses from the Chief of Staff to the children’s questions on bTV. However, he clarified that children may be the only ones who should not fear the new virus.

So far, it has been tested 7-8 times, which it described as normal practice, as it often comes into contact with potential carriers of the virus.

Professor Mutafchiiski also explained that he feels more comfortable in a doctor’s apron, but lately he feels more like a general than a doctor, because his work is more organizational.

In response to another child’s question, the chief of staff clarified that there are no doctors or military of his class. He signed his contract with the Army on his birthday, when he took his entrance exam.

“I am terribly sad that children are put through that test without understanding the meaning of the restrictions. Certainly, both grandparents suffer from this, but it is up to us if we show self-discipline and overcome this obstacle,” said the teacher. Mutafchiiski.

According to him, there is no formula to follow, as this is a new challenge for the world. “I am surprised by my colleagues, who understand everything, because many people do not know what they are facing,” he added.

According to him, there is a clash between saving the lives of people with physical distance and the fact that this stops social life. “The exact formula cannot be found yet, so we are talking trial and error, it is not a misunderstanding of the problem,” Mutafchiiski said.

For kindergartens

“There is practice in the world with kindergartens and we are looking at how things will unfold, this is a key factor for young people without disabilities to go to work. Right now, I think it is dangerous to go and we have to wait to see the result in other countries. There will be enough experience in both Denmark and Germany to take advantage of, “said the chief of staff.

According to him, as the trend in our country continues as it was, the spread of the coronavirus is carried out in separate communities, in separate foci and the line of infection can be clearly traced. According to him, the forecast of a peak after Easter has come true, but at low limits. If the trend continues for another 10 days, kindergartens could be opened, he said.

According to him, the criterion from which Germany is guided is unthinkable in our conditions, because there are 100 per 100 thousand infected in a week to adjust the measures, and this in numerical terms for Bulgaria means approximately 300 people per day, which is unbearable for our health system. That is why the headquarters adopted the Israeli model: the measures should be adjusted to 100 newly infected people per day for three consecutive days.

Why is Boyko Borisov listening?

“The Prime Minister is a man of strong character, but I think he is convinced that I am also of a strong character,” Mutafchiiski said when asked why he listened to Boyko Borissov so much.

“When we declared our position, we first clarified the contradictions between us, until now we have not had irreconcilable differences in the points of view with Borisov. We did not agree to open internal institutions and this was accepted, the same happened with kindergartens” , commented the chief of staff. : “The children asked the most meaningful questions I have ever received.”
