Gen. EPP Secretary in Borissov: We respect the protesters, but the March ordinary elections will offer a legitimate solution – Politics


Europe has shown that it can be united and strong when faced with an unprecedented threat. It would not be an exaggeration to say that EPP governments played a key role in crafting the EU rescue plan and successfully managed the pandemic in their countries. In this sense, we cannot fail to congratulate him on the appropriate health and economic measures.

This was stated by the Secretary General of the EPP, Antonio López, to Boyko BorissovBoyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born June 13, 1959. The two spoke shortly before the EPP summit in Brussels.

Boyko Borissov spoke with his EPP colleagues before the meeting in Brussels

Antonio López expressed his satisfaction with the entry of Bulgaria into the waiting room of the Eurozone and the Banking Union. “There is no doubt that joining ERM II is an acknowledgment of successful reforms in the country. I am confident that you will see it through. This will not only ensure lasting economic prosperity, but will also significantly increase the quality of life of the citizens ”, commented the Secretary General of the PPE.

Borissov and López were unanimous that the EC report is objective and the concrete results found in it in the fight against corruption are a good starting point to build on what has been achieved.

In this regard, the Bulgarian Prime Minister reiterated that the country will fully comply with all the recommendations of both the European Commission to guarantee the rule of law and the Venice Commission to complete the judicial reform.

The EPP General Secretary congratulated the GERB President for the resounding victory in the private local elections in Bulgaria.

“It can be seen that the legitimately elected Bulgarian government and the ruling majority enjoy public support. Of course, we also listen to the demands of the protesters. We respect their voice and believe that the regular parliamentary elections in March are the best place to determine who will govern Bulgaria. in the coming years, ”said Antonio López.
