Gemma Grozdanova hinted when the break between Borisov and Tsvetanov happened – Politics


There are many reasons accumulated over the years. I didn’t leave GERB to go to Tsvetan Tsvetanov’s projectTsvetan TsvetanovTsvetan Genchev Tsvetanov was born on April 8, 1965 in Sofia. In 1987 Tsvetanov started working. This was stated by the former president of the parliamentary committee on foreign affairs Dzhema Grozdanova.

“Tsvetan TsvetanovTsvetan TsvetanovTsvetan Genchev Tsvetanov was born on April 8, 1965 in Sofia. In 1987 Tsvetanov started working He has always been the man to tolerate negativity at the party. And he left with dignity. Can’t qualify as Tsvetan Tsvetanov’s manTsvetan TsvetanovTsvetan Genchev Tsvetanov was born on April 8, 1965 in Sofia. In 1987 Tsvetanov started working. It brought more than 60% of the people to GERB. I was their children’s personal dentist, “she said.

Gemma Grozdanova does not predict how many GERB people would now follow Tsvetan TsvetanovTsvetan TsvetanovTsvetan Genchev Tsvetanov was born on April 8, 1965 in Sofia. In 1987 Tsvetanov started working. She recognized her role in structuring the ruling party.

Gemma Grozdanova said she had never been close to Boyko BorissovBoyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born on June 13, 1959, nor to Tsvetanov himself, to know exactly when the rupture broke out. However, he admitted that there was an accumulation of “some problems”.

Tsvetan Tsvetanov presented the priorities and some of the faces of his party

“Everything has a beginning and an end,” Grozdanova said succinctly.

“Let’s not forget that Tsvetanov was not the first person in the match. We are doing it to try to work differently now,” he added.

On the occasion of his departure from the GERB, the former deputy listed some issues that gave impetus to his decision.

“We did not have the strength to ratify the agreement with Canada, we did not join the UN migration pact and the third, the Istanbul Convention, for which I have worked hard,” said Gemma Grozdanova.

It was also clear from his words that after the Bulgarian EU presidency, things have changed and foreign policy has no longer been a priority in parliament. In July, he hosted an event for China, attended by five lawmakers, none of whom spoke.

“In my party’s work, the party leadership came and thanked me, but there was poisoned criticism that I was not aggressive towards the right-wing parties in the area I lead in Sofia,” he said, revealing that the criticism was led by the GERB Party Administrative Secretary Tsvetomir Paunov.

Tsvetan Tsvetanov: Borissov will not resign today

Gemma Grozdanova did not have frequent meetings with Boyko BorissovBoyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born on June 13, 1959. She hinted to him a year ago that she was thinking of leaving GERB. Grozdanova wanted to take another European position, which did not happen.

“A year ago, if I had support, I could get this position. There was no way I could stay in GERB, because this position presupposes non-partisanship. I would work for my country as I see fit,” he added.

Gemma Grozdanova revealed that during the campaign for local elections in Sofia, Malina Edreva said that GERB needs the UDF. However, according to Grozdanova, the GERB should have a sufficient right-wing party profile to need to sew the UDF.

“Nobody can be destroyed without deciding for himself,” added Dzhema Grozdanova in the final.

Grozdanova also said that there was no problem with Tsvetanov buying an apartment in the Iztok district of the capital, which was the specific reason for her separation from GERB.

In the end, he said he supported the protests and the parliament had lost its legitimacy.
