Four parties enter the next parliament, predicts “Exacta” – Politics


“The optimists for the future of our country are more than pessimistic. The ratio is 43% to 40%,” sociologist Lydia Yordanova, head of the sociological agency Exacta, told BNR about her latest survey, completed in mid-2020. .

He specified that during the last 3 years the pessimists have fallen by 5%.

“When asked about the future of Bulgarians in the new year, the optimists are 50% and the pessimists are 29%,” Yordanova added.

Almost half of Bulgarians prefer an authoritarian and determined leader

The Exacta study describes four political forces that will surely enter the next parliament: GERB, BSP, “There are such people” and the MRF, and “Democratic Bulgaria” and “United Patriots” have the potential to jump the bar. 4%.

“In our data for the last year there is no case where we have recorded BSP as the leading political force, but at the same time the distance from GERB to BSP could be further reduced (currently it is 2%, according to data from the survey – b. One can expect surprises and developments in the situation … All the political formations that are preparing to attack the parliament are in very good condition, because they currently exist in conditions of economic, political and medical crisis. maintains a high political disposition, “explained the sociologist.

Yordanova insisted that the campaign would decide who would be the winner: “Neither of the two main parties (GERB and BSP – br) can expect a large periphery, they have mobilized their toughest voters.”

The sociologist highlighted that in the next parliament the GERB will govern with partners: “Twice as often as people look for an alternative to the GERB in the political space of the right than in the left”.

According to her, the problem of the left is that it cannot expand the periphery of the voters and cannot produce partner left formations. Lydia Yordanova pointed out that the development of the health crisis will depend on the information campaign for vaccination.
