Following the Israeli model, we are adjusting the measurements: 100 patients for 3 days in a row (overview)


Mutafchiiski saw hope for a quick return to a normal lifestyle, because the infection remains in groups

Bulgaria must follow the Israeli model to monitor the COVID-19 epidemic and adjust measures in the event of a further spread of the infection. This was proposed by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov’s national operational headquarters, said his boss, the general. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski.

The Israeli model foresees a new closure of the economy with the appearance of more than 100 new infected in three consecutive days, he explained. (For the Tel Aviv model, see below).

The alternative was to copy the German models, which would harden if there were more than 100 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants throughout the week. However, for Bulgaria, this means 2,700 new patients a week, which is impossible for the Bulgarian health system, Mutafchiiski said.

However, the coronavirus in Bulgaria still remains closed in groups and there is no widespread spread of the infection. Therefore, the Chief of Staff interpreted the large fluctuations in the number of cases found on consecutive days. 23 new cases were announced on Tuesday,

May 13 with 65

was one of

days with

The longest


in total, and 31 new infections were reported yesterday. However, for two days no data was published until 5 in the afternoon, only in the morning.

By testing the closest contacts at the epicenter of the outbreak, there are more positive samples. When we move away from its periphery, the cases decrease, Mutafchiiski explained these doubts. He gave a sample test on the last day of

200 doctors from

a hospital,


found none

one infected

This is a good sign that the infection remains closed in certain groups and neighborhoods, and that health authorities could easily limit it. Mutafchiiski saw a reason for a faster return to a normal lifestyle, if this development of the epidemic in our country continues. “But

there is no complete

To return to

the old life

and we can’t talk about quitting observing physical distance, “he emphasized. The general is pleased that even after measurements were taken and open-air restaurants were opened, most people continued to keep their distance.

One of the main tasks of the national operational headquarters after the state of emergency is to prepare analyzes and proposals for the imposition or elimination of anti-epidemic measures and for the preparation of new rules of life, the general said after a conversation with the prime minister.

So far, the objectives of the headquarters have been almost 100% met: there are not many infected, hospitals have managed to prepare beds, doctors have received training, their boss said.

“We were lucky that people are aware. I want to thank everyone for complying and complying with the measures,” added the general. He also explained why the measures were relaxed for more than 2,000 infected people, but were so strict for far fewer patients. At the time, no one knew what a coronavirus was, now even young children keep their distance, avoid hugging, and protect themselves, Mutafchiiski argues. On Thursday morning, 2,100 people were infected, of which 1,489 were active cases and 365 were hospitalized.

The dead

became 100

In reality, however, the percentage of severe cases, deaths, and children at levels remain at constant levels.

Boyko Borissov asked headquarters to collect and analyze ways to standardize cross-border travel and tourism work in the summer. For now, Bulgaria will adhere to the regional approach proposed by the EC and the Prime Minister will start talks with the leaders of Greece and other neighboring countries on common rules for border control.

Is recommended


become with


not by plane, Mutafchiiski said. There are still no clear rules for air transport to combat the epidemic, he recalled. However, HEPA air conditioners are likely to be equipped with HEPA filters similar to hospital ventilation systems.

The test of those entering the country cannot replace the 14-day quarantine, Mutafchiiski said. Some gave a positive test only on the 10th day, so the 14-day isolation remains. Health Minister Kiril Ananiev also strongly opposed the abolition of quarantine. The European Commission is also not against the imposition of quarantine, but only recommended that the measures between the countries be proportional and agreed at the regional level, the chief of staff explained.

About 600 Bulgarians from the western suburbs will be able to come to work in their homeland, Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva announced yesterday after an agreed partial opening of the border with Serbia.

Mutafchiiski accused the head of the children’s ward of the Infectious Diseases Hospital, Associate Professor Atanas Mangarov, of mocking the memory of people who died of coronavirus. The reason is an interview by the associate professor at the Bulgarian National Radio, in which he states that no one has actually died from coronavirus alone, and these are people with many other diseases.

“No one can be sure how long people with serious illnesses who died after a COVID-19 infection would live. I think they would live at least a few more years,” said Mutafchiiski. And he invited all non-believers to spend 3 days as a volunteer at the Military Medical Academy to see the suffering of patients with coronavirus.

Due to fear of a new wave, Tel Aviv is again quarantined at 250 with severe symptoms in the hospital.

Israel is restoring strict restrictions on another 100 infected people per day, doubling the number of cases in 10 days and more than 250 people with severe symptoms in hospitals, the Times of Israel reported.

With a population of 8.8 million, the country has 16,567 patients and 264 deaths, however authorities there have controlled the pandemic and only 19 people have recently been infected in the past 24 hours, and there are no new deaths. 60 patients are on mechanical respiration and are on average about 80 years old.

Tel Aviv has set a standard for returning to isolation for fear of a second wave after a series of restrictions were imposed on May 11. Then parks and gardens were opened and people were allowed to practice outdoor sports. Israelis returning from abroad to cancel quarantine at special hotels have been canceled. They can now be isolated in their homes. On May 17th, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students will return to school.

Since the start of the pandemic, specific measures have been taken in Israel due to the high population density and the fact that 12% of them, Orthodox Jews, have refused to comply with the prohibitions of massive events. The army often had to block entire neighborhoods and disperse violators with gas grenades.

Tel Aviv also makes extensive use of intelligence technology to track people in quarantine. The route of each person and car can be tracked. When you leave the restricted area, the voice and picture phone tells you to return.

Parks and playgrounds open without restrictions. They also release guests at weddings in Sofia

Buses to Vitosha – only after June 14


Parks, city gardens and outdoor playgrounds are now open without restrictions.

Mayors are still right

impose stricter regimes

This is one of the reliefs in the new orders of measures against the epidemic of the Minister of Health, Kiril Ananiev.

It issued four orders with measures for the period from May 14 to June 14 late Wednesday night, after the government approved the declaration of an epidemic emergency. It replaced the state of emergency for the past two months, and its declaration became possible after Parliament amended the Health Law.

Every month, the government will decide whether to extend its mandate and which of the measures are to be alleviated, Minister Ananiev explained.

“There are no abrupt changes in the development of the disease. We believe that the measures implemented so far should continue,” he added. The new change is that transplants are also allowed.

All other measures are subject to relief or tightening depending on the development of the epidemic, explained Kiril Ananiev.

Companies to continue


if possible, he notified the Minister of Health. He gave the example of the Ministry of Health, where people over 60 do not go to work, and the rest are divided into teams and take turns in offices.

There is also a shopping schedule reserved for the elderly from 8:30 to 10:30.

You may have already invited to weddings in Sofia. Until now, only newlyweds, groomsmen, and a photographer could participate in civil marriages. Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova issued an order that guests can now occupy 30% of the seats or space in the ritual rooms. The accounts show that it is about 10 people in the little ones and 20-30 in the older ones.

Urban transport in Sofia will continue to operate on a reduced schedule until the end of July: the urban lines will operate until 10 p.m. and suburban lines until 10:30 p.m. CGM will analyze the flow of passengers on all lines. An update of the economic framework will also be carried out, explained Deputy Mayor for Transport Christian Krastev.

Until August, the four night bus lines will not operate in Sofia. Until then, bus №94 from the metro station “G. M. Dimitrov” to Studentski grad and №306 in “Mladost 2”, because in the state of emergency they drove an average of 3 passengers per course.

Within 2 weeks we will offer traffic changes on the busiest lines, and we will launch more cars on those with more passengers. One of these lines is bus 111, explained CGM chief Dimitar Dilchev.

Despite requests from councilors of “Save Sofia” Boris Bonev and DB Toma Belev to restore buses to Vitosha and Vrana Park, the commission decided that lines 66, 103 and 122 and 505 will not work until June 14 . Line 63 will be extended only to the Fuente Blanca stop, not to the Golden Bridges.
