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“We will give fifty million levs with the new budget for 2021 to increase the salaries of university professors.”

This was stated by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov during a meeting with the leaders of the Council of Rectors, which was also attended by Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev and Minister of Education and Science Krassimir Valchev.

Education is one of the government’s top priorities, which is confirmed by the proportionate increase in funds for the remuneration of teachers in higher education.

In the course of the conversation, it was observed that in the last two years the government has significantly increased teacher salaries and implemented important reforms for the sector.

The increase, which was discussed today in the meeting with the Prime Minister, is related to the amendment of the Higher Education Law of February, according to which the Council of Ministers will determine the minimum salary for the academic position of “assistant”.

This will also affect the remuneration of other academic positions. The bill was introduced in the National Assembly in early 2019 and is part of the government’s long-term commitment to education.

The rector of the University of Sofia and chairman of the Council of Rectors, Professor Anastas Gerdjikov, described the increase in teachers’ salaries as a decisive step.

“This is the largest increase in the budget for higher education for at least 30 years and it is the largest increase in salaries in higher education for at least 30 years,” said Professor Gerdjikov. He praised the reform carried out in the system, which justifies the need to support it financially.

“We work very well with the rectors. We passed a law that led to a significant reform. The state and the higher schools are in full sync,” said Education and Science Minister Krassimir Valchev.

Prime Minister Borissov insisted that university professors are the foundation on which higher education is built. “Doctoral degrees are not easy to obtain. This means that they have defended dissertations, doctorates, have made a great contribution,” said Prime Minister Borissov, the important role of academia in the system. The Prime Minister added that the use of additional funds from European programs for the benefit of the sector is currently being discussed.
