First at BLITZ! They have issued an order awaiting millions of Bulgarians.


The Minister of Youth and Sports, Krasen Kralev, issued an order № РД-09-371 / 03.05.2020, which allows the exercise of individual sports activities outdoors in compliance with all anti-epidemic measures. They can also be held in outdoor sports venues (stadiums, tennis courts, etc.). It is mandatory to observe a distance of at least 2.5 meters between individual athletes.

Starting today, visits to autonomous swimming complexes and swimming pools are also allowed, subject to strict anti-epidemic measures. It is mandatory to have a filter at the entrance, which measures the body temperature of all visitors, in addition to cleaning and disinfecting facilities and appliances every hour. It is not allowed to accumulate many people at the same time in the common facilities of the sites. Disinfectant dispensers, liquid soap, and disposable towels are required for use by visitors, as well as the use of protective masks and gloves by staff.

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Minister Kralev’s order was issued in accordance with Article 3 of Order No. RD-01-249 / 03.05.2020 to the Minister of Health and all authorized sports organizations and their members will be notified.
