Finally! To save tourism, umbrellas and sunbeds will be half cheaper – Society


Beach umbrellas and lounge chairs will be at least 50% cheaper this year compared to prices for 2019. The text, which refers to tourism, was adopted in the second reading tonight when the changes in the Tourism Law.

This measure was launched in advance, and the main objective is to encourage Bulgarians to prefer their homeland.

Concessionaires must notify the Minister of Tourism of the prices of their beach accessories before May 25. Those who are willing to offer free umbrellas or loungers cannot pay the rent on the beach.

The deputies are looking at the second reading of the changes in the Health Law

Today, Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova again asked the Bulgarians to choose their homeland of the Black Sea and Bulgaria in general for their next vacation. To save the industry, starting tomorrow, with the abolition of the state of emergency, the work of guest houses and hotels is allowed.

The state tour operators will receive 35 euros for a foreign tourist who comes on vacation to Bulgaria with a Bulgarian charter operator in the next 2 years. However, this will apply to flights with at least 100 people.

Meanwhile, a major decision was made about electricity prices in a pandemic.

The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) can postpone its decision on new electricity prices for up to two months. To guarantee energy security, the price / regulation period that ends on June 30, 2020 for the prices of companies in the electricity sector can be extended up to two months from the expiration date of the period.

Some of the new amendments foresee an emergency epidemic situation that will be declared only by decision of the Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the Minister of Health and based on a risk analysis carried out by the state health inspector.

Unpaid leave of up to 60 business days used in 2020 will be considered as duration of service and insurance, also adopted by parliament.

For a period of up to six months after the lifting of the state of emergency, the Employment Agency will transfer compensation in the amount of BGN 290 for certain categories of people subject to insurance under the Social Security Code, in accordance with the criteria and conditions established by a law of the Council of Ministers. The funds are transferred by bank transfer to the respective insurer / self-insured person.

The money is at the expense of the European Structural and Investment Funds.

Finally it was decided that the academic year 2019/2020 will end remotely. There will be no national external assessment at the end of fourth and tenth grades, but only for seventh and twelfth grade students.

The issue of the accounts of citizens in financial difficulties was also discussed in the plenary hall for a long time.

It was decided to extend for two months the prohibition on seizures of citizens’ wages, pensions and bank accounts.

There will be no embargo on the bank accounts of the municipalities.

With the changes adopted, amendments are made to various other laws. For example, it was decided that wastewater treatment plants in settlements, settlements and resorts should have treatment facilities / facilities for decontamination.

Mandatory decontamination is done prior to discharge into the Black Sea during the holiday season.

Another change stipulates that a tax warehouse cannot be an object that covers a pipeline of petroleum products and that more than one base / object for the storage and / or production of energy products is connected / connected, the deputies voted. The requirement does not apply in the case of a pipeline for petroleum products – part of a tax warehouse with a production plant for oil refining.

It is important to note that the deadlines that were stopped during the state of emergency under the Law of Measures and Actions during the state of emergency remain in effect after 7 days from the enactment of the current amendments in the State Gazette.

The amendments to the Health Law were proposed by the Council of Ministers. The government decided not to propose an extension of the state of emergency, but decided that there should be special texts in the legislation to ensure the continuation of some measures taken so far to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, but also to support business. Thus, after tomorrow, the victims will be able to take advantage of the economic measures already announced.
