Fandakova announced if Sofia will be closed due to coronavirus


For now, it is not about closing Sofia due to the coronavirus. This was assured by the mayor of the city, Yordanka Fandakova, to BNT.

“We see that the number of infected increases every day, more importantly, the number of hospitalized is increasing. The most important thing is to maintain the health system and the doctors, which requires discipline and respect. For the moment, the measures are adequate and sufficient to continue economic activity in the city ”, explained the mayor.

He said that since the beginning of the week, the emphasis has been on stricter enforcement of anti-epidemic measures. “Since the beginning of the week, more than 1,600 points of sale have been inspected, only 4 acts have been issued for not wearing masks. In public transport, inspections are by CGM and the police have 17 acts for not wearing masks and 4 protocols of warning, “said Fandakova.

Regarding the order to wear masks outdoors, he commented: “I think the order is very specific and shows that the measurements are as light as possible and it is about wearing masks outdoors only when the physical distance cannot be provided. “.

Fandakova said that municipal hospitals are in stable condition.

Sofia, Bulgaria
