Family and friends gathered for Stoyan Nenchev-Tseko’s funeral in Plovdiv


Many people gathered today at Stoyan Nenchev-Tseko’s funeral in Plovdiv. The iconic figure of the 90s and one of the few survivors of the “777 Club” died a few days ago of a pulmonary embolism. Relatives and friends categorically denied that the former chief of the weeks in Plovdiv had died of KOVID-19, according to some information in some media.

Ceko did not pay attention in time, he was generally careless with his health and because of this he became a plague, people familiar with the matter said. At the Dragan cemetery in the city under the hills, they came to send Tseko for the last time his ex-wife and two children: the son is 34 years old, and the girl will graduate next year. The woman Tseko had been living with lately also attended the funeral.

Many iconic figures from the past and from the underworld paid their last respects to the 54-year-old. Stoyan Nenchev was a world youth wrestling champion and a silver medalist at the European Wrestling Championships, but at the beginning of the transition he became part of the power groups and was one of the founders of the “777 Club” in Plovdiv.

Plamen Johnson and Rumen Alabaka, comrades in arms of Tseko and part of the week, as well as many others from the security forces, brought wreaths and flowers. Rahmat Sukra, the right hand of Mladen Mihalev-Majo, had also sent a crown.

The biggest impression was made by the escort, with whom arrived the other iconic figure of Plovdiv, Angel Lichkanov, Lichkana. He arrived with three luxury Mercedes and a Hummer. Lichkana, who was the representative of the brothers Vasil and Joro Ilievi killed in Plovdiv, brought a huge crown. It had the inscription “Last goodbye, my friend” and was written by Angel and Stoyan Kanara.

The eldest son of the creator of the “Canaries” orchestra, Atanas Stoev-Stoyan, also accompanied Lichkana. In the past, Lichkana and Tseko fought, they were from different groups, but over the years, when they legalized their business, she became friends. Lichkana was recently released from custody after a scandal involving him. Thus today the surviving leaders of the old groups said goodbye to the man who was once the terror of Plovdiv.

More than 20 years ago, the other founders of the 777 Club were assassinated. Georgi Kalapatirov, the Italian, and Petar Petrov, the Crutch, were ostentatiously executed. The other partner of the week, Nikolay Chilingirov-Chilingira, is also alive and is in business today. Tseko himself survived several attacks, of which he survived, Blitz recalls.
