Experts: Not only masks and distance, ventilation is also very important


Protective masks and distance are important, but good ventilation technology is the most important factor in reducing the risk of the new coronavirus spreading indoors, according to a German study cited by Reuters.

Almost 1,500 volunteers used protective masks, hand sanitizers and distance sensing devices at an indoor pop concert in Leipzig in August as part of a study to spread the new coronavirus to large groups of people.

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The scientists simulated three variants with different numbers of spectators and standards of social distance and created a computer model of the room to analyze the spread of aerologists by infected virtual visitors to the concert.

“The most important discovery for us was understanding how important it is to have good ventilation technology. This is the key to reducing the risk of infection,” said Stefan Moritz, director of the RESTART-19 study at the University School of Medicine. of Halle.

The study also found that reduced room capacity, the presence of multiple entrances and exits, as well as seating for the audience have a strong impact on the number of contacts with others.

The researchers recommend that only sedentary visitors take food and beverages, that waiting areas are outdoors, that masks are worn inside the event throughout the event, and that delegates be hired to monitor compliance with hygiene requirements .

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According to the study authors, hygiene measures such as wearing masks and social distancing should be observed until the end of the pandemic, and the number of visitors and seats should be determined based on the spread of the virus.

“Mass events have the potential to trigger the epidemic through the spread of pathogens, but if hygiene requirements are met, the risk is very low,” said Rafael Mikolajczyk, of the Institute of Medical Epidemiology at Hall University. The results of the study will be evaluated independently.


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