Evening time for restaurants and bars in Sofia


Limit the working hours of restaurants and drinking establishments to 11:30 p.m. by the term of the order of the Minister of Health (November 12). The ban on working hours will take effect on November 1. This was discussed and decided today by the Sofia Operational Headquarters to combat the spread of COVID-19. The proposal to limit the working hours of the establishments comes from the sectoral organizations.

EUROPE v COVID-19: Blockades, night hours, restrictions

The Headquarters meeting was chaired by Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova and was attended by Dr. Maeva, Acting Director of Sofia RHI and Commissioner Hadjiev – Director of SDVR. Representatives of sectoral organizations also participated in the meeting.

Mayor Fandakova noted that the situation in Sofia has remained alarming in recent days. He announced that today the new registered patients are 1048. The number of hospitalized patients continues to grow, which was 449 on October 28, 29 – 517, and today there are 532. The number of admitted to intensive care is also increasing – today they are 75.

“The requirement of strict control over compliance with the measures is maintained,” Fandakova stressed.

“Control over the use of masks and disinfection continues. The police and RHI – Sofia also carry out inspections for compliance with quarantine. 820 people who have been quarantined have been verified,” said Commissioner Hadjiev.

Inspections of the municipality’s equipment, the police and the health inspection continue. During the last 7 days, 260 alert protocols have been drawn up, 75 acts for violations of the Health Law and 160 police orders. RHI and police teams have inspected nightclubs and people who must comply with quarantine.

A new symptom of COVID-19 has been found, affecting more than 20% of those infected.

Police teams and the Urban Mobility Center carry out inspections in public transport. The emergency teams of the municipality of Sofia also monitor compliance with the requirements.

Dr. Maeva noted that the situation in the capital remains worrying. Nightly inspections of discos were carried out and three warnings were issued for compliance with the measures.

The Sofia Inspection teams have inspected 7,355 retail establishments to verify compliance with anti-epidemic measures. For the period from October 10 to 29, the inspectors have prepared 8 minutes.


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