Even if you’re retired, it’s not too late to become a fitness maniac.


Legendary American judge Ruth Ginsberg did it after severe cancer

American Judge Ruth Ginsberg was one of those people who knew how to make a lasting mark, no matter what they did. After being one of the most respected members of the United States Supreme Court for more than a quarter of a century, she also became the first woman and Jew to leave the world in worship in the United States Congress. An honor granted to only about 30 people with an indisputable contribution to the development of the country.

The book the ex-military wrote about Ruth Ginsberg's success in the gym.

The book that the ex-military wrote about Ruth Ginsberg’s success in the gym.

Right there, in the Capitol building in Washington, next to the coffin with his body, something unusual happened a few days ago. A black man lay down on the floor and did some push-ups. It was his dismissal from the judge, who is considered one of the strongest defenders of the rights of women and African Americans in the United States. Naturally, this strange form of tribute prompted many questions and comments.

Bryant Johnson says goodbye to the judge with some push-ups to the coffin with his body.

Bryant Johnson says goodbye to the judge with some push-ups to the coffin with his body.

This man, it turned out, was the 87-year-old Ginsberg’s personal trainer. He said that he was the most important person in his life after his family. The two met in 1999, when the famous judge was

survived a long time

and unbearable


Of cancer. She is fragile by nature, but is completely exhausted by illness. Her husband Martín, who is close to her in all battles, realizes that they must do something to regain their strength and be able to quickly return to their favorite job.

This is how coach Bryant Johnson came into their lives. He is a former military man. He served in the special forces and knows very well how to keep the body ready for combat. In the case of Ruth Ginsberg, 66 at the time, that meant two workouts a week, each one hour long. They take place at night in the Supreme Court gym, where she stays up late because she’s a night owl.

No matter how busy she is, when it comes time to train, she drops everything and puts on her tracksuit with the words “Superdiva”, a reference to the world of opera, which she adores. Her sessions include




exercises for

legs and arms

with dumbbells

The hardest thing is getting up from a sitting position on one leg, but he does it with a little help from Johnson, who grabs his hands for more stability. Ruth Ginsberg’s doctors are in awe of the rapid positive change taking place in her body. They found that over the years, their bone density and muscles improved instead of losing weight, as is the case with older people.

Between 2004 and 2007, Johnson was sent to train American troops in Kuwait, but the judge continued his regular sporting activities with his colleague. When he returns, they become an iron fitness team again.

However, two years later, Ginsberg was again diagnosed with cancer, this time of the pancreas. Surgery is required, but he recovers in a few weeks and returns to the gym. The same happened when in 2014 a stent had to be placed in his heart.

Johnson was so inspired by their success together that he decided to write a book. He titled it “RBG Training: How to Keep It Strong … You Can Too.” RBG are the initials of the three names of the judge, with which the media sometimes call her. Also, you agree that all illustrations in the book are drawings from your workouts. So it’s no wonder the fitness guide is fast becoming a best-seller. Ginsberg and Johnson also allowed a team from CNN to participate in one of their training sessions so more people could learn that working together is great for their health.

The judge believes that he managed to live so many years precisely because of his fair physical condition.

call his

coach angel


“If you think she’s inflexible in court, you should see her in the gym,” Johnson said. When her cancer started to progress again, she advised her to get more rest. At this point, as usual during training, the radio is playing, and you will not talk about the great merits of Benjamin Franklin for the United States. They mention that he only slept four hours so he could finish the many things he had been doing. When he hears this, Ginsberg just gives Johnson a long look and never brings the subject up again. The two do not stop training even during the coronavirus crisis and when it becomes clear that Ruth has little life left. The battle he has been waging in recent months is not simply to extend his time in this world, but to postpone the election of his successor to the Supreme Court until after the presidential elections in November. Ginsberg never hid his criticism of Donald Trump, and his last words were not for him to appoint a new member of the court in his place, but for the next American president. However, Trump did not honor his death will and rushed to nominate 48-year-old Amy Connie Barrett, considered the complete opposite of Ginsberg’s liberal views.
