Europe’s response: new measures against the spread of the new strain of COVID-19


A day after the UK health authorities announced the presence of a new strain of COVID-19, which is spreading 70% faster, Europe has taken action. The leaders of the European Union have discussed developing a common approach to the problem.

Many of the countries of the Old Continent have banned flights to and from the island, and imposed quarantines on those who arrive from there.

From 00:00 hours from December 21, 2020 to January 31, 2021, entry into the territory of the Republic is prohibited. Bulgaria through all border crossings for foreigners from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Bulgarians and people with permanent, long-term or long-term residence status, as well as their relatives, are subject to mandatory quarantine.

ANDland It will impose restrictions on flights and ferries starting at midnight, reports BTA. Exceptions will be made for the transportation of goods and for employees in major supply chains.

Italy It ends its air connections with all British airports from 00:00 hours from December 21 to January 6, 2021 and prohibits the entry, even in transit, of people who have been in the United Kingdom during the last 14 days.

Anyone who has already been able to enter the country before the ban takes effect, even if they don’t have symptoms similar to coronavirus disease, should immediately report their stay in the UK and get tested. A nationwide quarantine begins in Italy on December 24 and will last until the end of the holidays on January 6.

Germany It also suspended air relations with Great Britain at midnight. The prohibition does not apply to cargo planes carrying goods and mail. According to health authorities, the new strain has not yet been detected in Germany, but the country is taking preventive measures.

France decided to suspend for 48 hours the acceptance of flights and other passenger transport from the island. It also stops the flow of people who accompany the goods transported both by air, by sea and by rail. Only unaccompanied goods can be transported.

UK passenger traffic will be restored on December 22, arrivals will be monitored for coronavirus infection. During the ban, travel from France to the UK will be allowed.

Expected tomorrow Sweden tomorrow to impose travel restrictions on those arriving from the UK Norway It will require those arriving from the UK to show a negative COVD-19 test to enter the country. Health authorities have said that this will apply to anyone who has been to the UK in the last 14 days, and those arriving from there now should be tested. Those arriving from there will be invited to observe a 10-day quarantine.

Those who arrive will be quarantined for seven days. Greece from United Kingdom. The measure will take effect tomorrow at 6 a.m. For those arriving from other countries in Greece, the mandatory quarantine is three days.

The other mandatory measures will also continue to apply to those arriving from the UK. These include a mandatory PCR test performed no more than 72 hours before travel and rapid tests upon arrival in the country.
