Elvis is vaccinated in front of television cameras to save children from polio


Celebrities are opening people’s eyes to the fact that vaccines are saving millions of lives around the world.

In 1956, Elvis Presley made one of his most notable performances. He’s immunized in front of television cameras with the recently approved polio vaccine.

Before the Ed Sullivan show, the rock legend rolled up his sleeves in front of two of New York’s health chiefs and selflessly reached out to have the needle inserted. Then grab the guitar and give a memorable concert.

At that time, polio, an acute viral infection that affects the central nervous system, has been affecting thousands of people around the world for years, including Bulgaria. The epidemic affected mainly children, many of the survivors were crippled for life. Among them is US President Franklin

Roosevelt, who

gets infected

39 years and

life ends

you are in a wheelchair

Mia Farrow also survived the disease, but recovered. Although not disabled, Robert Redford is still in poor health.

In 1955, a year before Elvis’s action, the American immunologist Jonas Salk announced that he had developed a vaccine against polio and he and his children were publicly beaten with the injection. Despite the fears of parents and criticism from some doctors, their example has an effect: millions of children from the most vulnerable group (5 to 10 years) are immunized.

But teens feel they are not in danger and are getting vaccinated en masse. The health authorities decided to agitate them through idols from show business. “Hey kids, I’ll tell you something in 30 seconds.

I am elvis

Presley. Yes

You believe


is defeated, listen to me:

The fight against him today is as difficult as ever ”, the King addressed the adolescents. Movie legends Mickey Rooney and Clark Gable are also calling for immunization.

Mickey Mouse is also included. Judy Garland participates in the “Ladies March”, goes door to door and raises money to help the campaign. The result is astonishing: Between 1955 and 1960, the incidence of polio in the United States decreased by 90 percent.

“The lesson from this story is that celebrity campaigning works even in hard-to-believe social groups,” said historian Stephen Maudsley.

In 1958

Elvis repeats

the implementation,

publicly making a series of vaccines against typhoid, tetanus and Asian flu. The “anti-vaxers” will probably say that for them the rockidol died without time. But the truth is that vaccines have saved millions and even billions of lives around the world.

Over the years, other celebrities have followed the King’s lead. Actors Amanda Pete and Seth McFarlane strongly oppose denying whooping cough and measles vaccines. Salma Hayek leads UNICEF’s campaign to vaccinate mothers and children against deadly tetanus. In the 80s the famous author of the children’s masterpiece “Matilda”

Roald dahl

is included in

the movement for

protection against measles,

mumps and rubella after her daughter died of smallpox.

Opponents, led by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, are furious: MNR injection causes autism. They also use stars to impact. Among them are actress Jenny McCarthy (who claims her 2-year-old son is autistic due to the vaccine), her ex-boyfriend Jim Carrey, HIV positive Charlie Sheen, Alicia Silverstone, Robert De Niro.

Attacks on immunizations, including the current coronavirus, date back centuries for medical, religious, ethical and political reasons.


get rich

theory arsenal

– from the fact that viruses are injected, although weakened, to the attack on personal freedoms.

As early as the 19th century, the serum against the then scourge, smallpox, was widely criticized for using lesions from cows infected with smallpox. By the way, the word “vaccine” comes from the Latin vacca, which means cow.

To defeat the virus, 65-70% of the population must be vaccinated, says the Johns Hopkins Institute. But the resistance is serious. For years, some have not immunized their children, relying on herd immunity, but it weakens at some point.

Vaccine rejection

Is the reason

periodically here and

there to explode


from neglected diseases like measles, rubella, tuberculosis, and even smallpox, polio and bubonic plague.

Today, the authorities are moving again in turmoil through celebrities and their personal example. But now they are putting more emphasis on politicians. Former US presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton have announced that they will inject themselves in front of a camera. Vice President Mike Pence and his wife have already done so with the comment: “It doesn’t hurt!” This is a breakthrough in the camp for Trump, who is enthusiastic about the issue and secretly leads the ranks of vaccine deniers.

Newly elected American leader Joe Biden, his vice Kamala Harris and her husband will also be an example. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his Health Minister Juli Edelstein, and US Health Chief Jerome Adams were publicly immunized.

With ostentatious vaccination or campaign support


singer lulu

the vocalist of

“Hu” Roger

Doltri, Kim


Irish rock legend Bob Geldof, Ronnie Wood of the Stones. COVID-19 survivors Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita, donated blood to develop a vaccine. Richard Schiff from the series “The Good Doctor” described in detail on his website how he suffered from the coronavirus and supported measures to eradicate it.

The famous website The Verge recently announced which influential celebrities should become the face of the campaign. The public immunization of Elizabeth II would have a lot of weight if the vaccine were safe, because she is queen and responsible; Gwyneth Paltrow, because she is generally against vaccines and her opponents believe her; Oprah Winfrey with her enormous influence in the media; Taylor Swift with her popularity with young people.

In fact, it is not the stars, but researchers and doctors who not only advance the treatment of deadly diseases, but also take the risk to prove their safety. Jonas Salk gives himself and his children the polio vaccine first. In the early 20th century, Jesse

To be


with yellow fever

from mosquitoes,

to prove that they transmitted the disease, and they died at 34 years of age. Before him, the Peruvian Daniel Carion also died, seeking a cure for the terrible disease of the Peruvian wart. And the discoverer of the cholera vaccine, Russian Jew Vladimir Havkin, has been publicly immunized in cholera-stricken India to show that the injection does not kill, but helps.

Sigmund Freud became addicted to drugs and studied the effects of cocaine. Dr. Werner Forsman was the first to insert a catheter into his heart. In more recent times, the French Dr. Daniel Zaguri is trying a cure for AIDS.

In an ideal world, people would listen to what the experts tell them. But the world is not perfect, and prominent “influencers” without medical knowledge often have more influence than doctors, especially if they are famous and successful, writes the Daily Mail. People tell themselves that if they risk their health and your life, then there is nothing terrible. This is why we need a new Elvis today, and not one.
