Elon Musk’s company has successfully implanted chips in a pig’s brain – Technology


Neuralink specialists developed a wireless version of the neurointerface of the same name, which was successfully implanted in the brains of two pigs and then removed without harming the animals, writes “Monitor”.

This was revealed by Elon Musk.Elon musk

Elon Reeve Musk (ˈiːlɒn ˈmʌsk /) is a Canadian-American engineer, inventor, at an online press conference held at Neuralink’s headquarters in San Francisco.

“In the last year, we have significantly simplified our systems, now they fit on a chip that is smaller than a coin and can be completely hidden when implanted. It will completely fuse with the skull bone, it will be invisible from the outside and it will work all day without recharging ”, explained the businessman.

According to him, the developed prototypes and the improved model of a robot for automated implantation were successfully tested on two pigs. The installed chips will allow scientists to monitor the activity of the animal’s brain sensory centers through a wireless communication channel, monitoring what the pig’s chin touches.

As a demonstration of the safety of these devices, neurophysiologists removed an implant from the brain of one of the pigs without damaging its brain. As Musk pointed out, the second chip has been working in the second animal’s head for several months, without causing its rejection or other problems.

Subsequently, the researchers implanted two chips in the brain of one of the pigs at the same time, which confirmed the possibility of parallel operation in several devices simultaneously.

In addition, the researchers successfully modified the work of several chains of neurons, using implanted chips and electrodes to stimulate the activity of individual nerve cells. This will allow in the future to use similar devices against epilepsy, paralysis and other diseases in which there are disorders of the brain and spinal cord.

Musk estimates that the device developed by Neuralink to process and influence data on brain activity will cost several thousand dollars.
