Eight criteria for determining an epidemic emergency


The Council of Ministers will determine the epidemic emergency situation according to eight criteria.

This was decided by the deputies in second reading the Health Law.

Dr. Daniela Daritkova pointed out that today The correct decision will be made in favor of society. The whole world is fighting the pandemic, similar measures are being taken in all countries, he said. GERB insists on mandatory isolation because it stopped the spread of infection.

They asked the BSP quality standards to determine the pandemic. Socialist Georgi Mihailov He criticized the eight criteria in which there were extremely unprofessional things. These eight criteria could be applied to all communicable diseases in the country. There were only common symptoms of all these diseases. The left insists on clear numerical criteria. Let’s not enter the Minotaur’s labyrinth, Mihailov insisted.

MRF Nigar Jaffer joined the Reds’ concerns about the criteria. Therefore, he insisted on an explanation of where these criteria come from. There were also unconstitutional moments in them.

Dr. Daniela Daritkova explained that WHO makes the criteria and the decisions of the Council of Ministers are subject to judicial review, which guaranteed that the cabinet will not only declare an epidemic.

Text declaring a state of emergency is not unconstitutional, the justice minister believes Danail Kirilov.

In a republic with a parliamentary government, Fr.The epidemic emergency situation, as a state of emergency, can only be decided by the National Assembly, said the red deputy Krassimir Yankov.

The Constitution stipulates that the restriction of fundamental rights can only take place in a state of emergency and by law for a certain period of time, he pointed. With this law tries to completely ignore democratic social regulation, guaranteed by the constitutional framework, the red deputy accused the ruling party. Insists on strict compliance with the basic law.

Angelkova calls the Bulgarians: everyone in the Bulgarian sea

Angelkova calls the Bulgarians: everyone in the Bulgarian sea

From tomorrow hotels can reopen

Changes discussed in the room also include:

  • The amendments to the Health Law provide two months without penalty of interest on fast loans.
  • Until mid-July, employers will have the right to put employees on forced paid vacation.
  • Since June 1, the native beaches welcome bathers.
  • Electricity bills must be paid on time after the end of the state of emergency.
  • The possibility that municipalities exempt companies affected by the income pandemic extends for two months.
  • Until September 30, social benefits will be granted without children going to kindergarten or school.
  • A vaccination note will not be required to receive assistance for a child under one year of age.
  • The school year ends online.
  • Measure 60/40 is extended until June 30. After that, BGN 290 will be awarded per reserved worker for two months. The sectors that may benefit from the measure have not yet been determined.

Parliament voted on the amendments to the Health Law, which the government can to continue the application of anti-epidemic measures after expiration of the state of emergency, that is, before July 13.

Parliament has decided that farmers will be able to hire the long-term unemployed to harvest. The deputies finally adopted in second reading the amendments to the Health Law related to the expiration of the state of emergency in the country on May 13, 2020.

Until October 31 of this year, unemployed persons of working age who receive monthly assistance in accordance with the Social Assistance Act and who are not included in the employment programs may enter into employment contracts for short-term temporary agricultural work for a period not to exceed 120 days, since This time is not recognized as seniority.

The employment contract has normal working hours for the day of up to 8 hours, and the parties can organize the work for 4 or 6 hours. The remuneration is paid on the expiration day of the employment contract against a receipt, an integral part of it. The unemployed are expected to retain their right to a monthly allowance under the Social Assistance Act for as long as they have a contract for the harvest.

The BSP opposed these texts, as well as a proposal by Maria Belova / GERB /, made in the plenary room, which had the support of the majority.

You withdrew the same offer yourself an hour and a half ago, Krum Zarkov pointed out from the left. He noted that the definition of “socially useful activity” in the Employment Promotion Law also introduces theft. This is a hangar, this is to take some people and get them to work, not at your request, for someone else’s private interest, Zarkov said. You added some people to an individual to steal the products, which he then sells.

Hristian Mitev / “United Patriots” / replied that there could be no hangar as there was free work for her. He noted that the unemployed can conclude a voluntary work contract and the work to be done is not free.

Maria Belova explained that these proposals are related only to the possibility farmers to be able to employ the long-term unemployed. We are in danger of having a harvest and no one harvesting it, he said.

The deadline for construction on the Black Sea coast has been extended by one month this year, also decided by parliament. In 2020, the ban on construction and installation work in national resorts on the Black Sea coast is from June 15 to October 1, instead of May 15, the deputies wrote.
