Edirne’s doctors demanded the closure of the border with Bulgaria


“The authorities must close the border between Turkey and Bulgaria as soon as possible if we want to stop the spread of the Kovid-19 epidemic, which currently exceeds the figures before April.” This was stated by the president of the Edirne Regional Medical Union, Dr. Gurjan Altun at a press conference.

He presented data according to which the increase in Covrd-19 cases in Edirne, Tekirdag and Kirklareli over 15 days was more than double the national average. According to him, the spread of the epidemic among pregnant women and children is especially high. There is also an increase in deaths.

The representative of the Edirne doctors criticized the Ministry of Health for not providing real information on the spread of the epidemic in the area, as well as where and how the isolation of positive cases, which in the last week have exceeded 10,000 people . He called for urgent restrictive measures by the authorities in the fight against the epidemic.

“We believe that restrictions on social contacts should be introduced as soon as possible. A ban or restrictions on going out for at least 14 days should be introduced. Border checkpoints with Bulgaria, Greece and other countries should be closed.” If we don’t do all this We will have a situation that we cannot face, the health system will not survive, “he said.

Edirne’s doctor opined that the data officially announced by the Turkish Ministry of Health on Kovid-19 deaths is currently below the actual indicators, which are actually much higher.

He cites a study from the large municipality of Istanbul, which found that the number of Kovid-19 victims from March 12 to November 4 was 8,456 more than announced by the Ministry of Health so far. Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca yesterday announced 11,326 deaths since the epidemic began.

Meanwhile, Osman Bilgin, the governor of Kirklareli, the other town on the border with Bulgaria, told reporters these days that Covrd-19 cases in the district have increased dramatically in the last 1-2 weeks and that health centers in the district they are crowded with patients.

According to the governor, the increase is due to the huge increase in the flow of passengers from citizens of neighboring Bulgaria, who came specifically to shop on weekends in the border city.

“I am not saying that the Bulgarian neighbors should come to us as little as possible. I urge you to stop coming at all. Because 50 percent of Covrd-19 cases in our area are due to increased visits. of Bulgarian citizens in “These visits pose a great risk. If it continues at this rate, we may need to implement stricter measures than those that currently exist, “said the governor.
