Drugs at school come with letters from abroad, 16 dealers are taken from home


Criminologist Petyo Petkov and psychologists return 40 children a year to normal life. 670 teenagers are caught with drugs, the number of girls they sell increases

A student who speaks English well has a computer with internet and BGN 50. This is needed by a teenager who wants to sell drugs to his classmates. There are many examples of that. With BGN 50, the child orders substances from foreign sites. Delivery is made by courier. It comes from a country in the eurozone. The letter contains 4 g of substance and a recipe with preparation instructions. Quickly and easily, the student prepares 40 doses of 1 gram each. He sells them to his colleagues for 20 BGN each and in a few days he puts 800 BGN in his pocket with an “investment” of 50 BGN. This is the salary of a large part of the employees in Bulgaria for a month.

Inspector Petkov talks to the students about the harm of drugs.

Inspector Petkov talks to the students about the harm of drugs.

The story is told by Inspector Petyo Petkov from the Directorate of Internal Affairs in Sofia. He is the dean of the Drug Department and has worked there since its inception more than 25 years ago.

The policeman explains marijuana to the children.

The policeman explains marijuana to the children.

“Every day 18 tons of letters and packages enter Sofia. There is no way to control 100% of all, “says Inspector Petkov about the dangerous tendency of students to be

Students rarely speak specifically about the drug problem at school.

Students rarely speak specifically about the drug problem at school.

order medications in

Internet and place it

among his peers

The policeman has been chasing drug dealers in Sofia for a quarter of a century. In the last 8 years, however, she has devoted herself to another activity that is just as important, if not more, preventing the spread and use of drugs in schools. The forensic scientist and his colleagues from the “Police work in schools” program visit classrooms and corridors in Sofia and across the country and talk with children about drugs, their impact on the body, traffickers and everything related to the disease. common among the young. They speak an understandable language, as friends, in small groups, answer questions and give advice.

Through presentations and videos, adolescents learn about the effects of drug use, its effects on the physical, psyche and social life, laws and punishments. Many of them learn for the first time that once arrested with drugs, there is no way to start working for the state or for a large private corporation, for example, because there the examination of job applicants is strict.

They are surprised when Petkov tells them that

there are more than 1600 species

marijuana, and each

year are registered

about 300 new drugs each

Young people talk about the drug problem at their school during their meetings with the police. But without specifying, because they are afraid. They often admit that there is a merchant among them. Some of the child drug dealers sell to be wanted and to feel part of a company, but most do it for money.

Despite the difficulties, children, citizens and even teachers and principals receive the signals for distributors in schools.

However, school leaders maintain their reputation of fighting for students and rarely acknowledge the distribution of drugs in backyards and classrooms.

“In 1 year we have returned 40 children to normal life. This is happening with a lot of attention and an incredible team of policemen and psychologists from the Center for Prevention and Information on Drug Problems of the Municipality of Sofia. Some of these 40 children used, Others used and sold. Many of them had left their homes. At the age of 16, they live for rent, sell drugs, earn a lot of money and think they are on top, “said Inspector Petyo Petkov. He lectures to students from Grades 8 to 12. He says there is no point in working on prevention with the little ones so as not to inform them and arouse their curiosity from a young age.

Students state

interest in drugs

in seventh and eighth grade,

But there is no way to determine which is the age group most at risk in the upper classes.

Synthetic drugs are the most used by teenagers, like marijuana. Many of them are delusional about the herb because many traders lie to them that it is curative, which is not true, of course. The active principle of marijuana in our country is one of the highest in Europe, and the climate for growing the plant, the most favorable.

During the talks, the students are interested in how they are made and in most cases they do not know that amphetamines and methamphetamines, for example, contain many aggressive acids that are toxic to any organism, especially the adolescent.

In 2019, the police worked with 670 children under the age of 17 who possessed, produced and sold drugs. 110 of them are girls. The 2018 figures are roughly the same, according to the annual reports of the Interior Ministry. And then there were 670 minors arrested for drugs, but the girls were 80, that is. skirt dealers are increasing, albeit slightly. However, the figures show that the number of students caught with drugs in recent years is increasing.

“When we detect a student selling drugs, it is included in our statistics, but

there is no institution in the world,

what to do complete

image for users

and drug dealers

Some do it every day, others once a month, others once a year, ”Inspector Petkov said.

The most recent data on the scale of student drug use comes from the annual report of the National Focus Center on Drugs and Drug Addiction. 3,700 students from 47 schools in grades 9-12 were surveyed. At that time, 26% of all said they had ever used drugs in their lives. Most smoked marijuana. Followed by hashish, amphetamines, cocaine, synthetic cannabinoids, and ecstasy.

7.4% of students nationwide said they had first smoked marijuana at age 16, 1.9% tried amphetamines, and 1.4% tried cocaine. As reasons for the first use of drugs are indicated: out of curiosity and to try something unknown – 6.7%, for pleasure to experience a temporary pleasant effect – 5.8%, and out of boredom, for variety – 3.2%. According to 8.8% of children, regular cannabis use does not pose a health risk and 17.4% believe that there is no risk when they regularly smoke hookah. 63.3% of those surveyed defined drug use as a problem for the country, 60.6% as a problem for the city in which they live and 58.3% as a problem for their school. The study, although representative at the national level, offers a very vague picture due to the many conventions and dynamic environment.

“We cannot talk about a drug epidemic in schools. In summary, it may seem that the market there is large, but it is not. Many children who have tried marijuana or another drug for the first time feel bad and do not repeat. They give up from the beginning. Much depends on the lifestyle of a young person, the family, the elderly around him. Usually, older people do not pay attention to the details of children’s behavior and have their emotions , their pains, “says Inspector Petyo Petkov. According to him, a big problem is that parents do not know who to turn to when they find out or suspect that their child is using drugs.

Most try to cope on their own, but do not understand the problem. Many of them test their children, which are sold in pharmacies. However, Inspector Petkov’s practice shows that adolescents know very well how to manipulate this test. It becomes easy and parents do not understand.

“But then the child is broken, there is no trust, things have gone to the extreme.

Many of the problems

start with the night

collection. The student

also has a fixed time

wants to be with your company,

with the new boyfriend

In order not to get home on time, he is inclined to do a lie program ”, the criminologist shares his impressions of the conversations with the children. Their many years of experience show that even parents are already apathetic to what is going on around them.

Years ago, men who picked up their children from school and saw a drug dealer in the yard immediately intervened. Not now. Children do not share with their parents what is offered to them in school and on the street. Many school leaders do not recognize the drug problem because of the opinions of the people and the struggle of the students. There is a lack of trust between the student, parents and teachers.

“If we, the great ones, who know what it is about, don’t help out, we don’t do anything. Write us, call us, we can help you. SDVR has a Facebook page. People think they can solve the problem at home, but they can’t. Trust us, ”calls Inspector Petyo Petkov.

For the new school year, police officers and psychologists from the prevention program are preparing new videos of their visits to schools, already updated with information from recent months, when classrooms were closed due to the coronavirus and the summer holidays.
