Draw a sad future for the Danube: he will not play in the efbet League – BG Football – efbet League


Danube supporters on social media under the “Fan Club Danube Forever” page wrote a nasty post for the “dragons” on Thursday. They stressed that Ruse’s club will not resume its participation in the efbet League when the COVID-19 pandemic ends. The reason is that “the promises that were made were not kept and also that some people left the team’s players penniless at Easter.” Supporters also noted the contrast with other soccer clubs in our country, which reduced their players’ pay but did not leave them penniless.

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It is a known fact that the legendary Bulgarian club is in serious financial difficulties and the club’s future from the “City Stadium” in Rousse is at stake.

We attach the message to the supporters without editorial intervention:

Dear Danube: Our fast this time will be different. You will not see positivism in him, just the opposite. Along with the COVID-19 pandemic that has swept the world, another “contagion” announces the sad end of our beloved Danube team. We are deeply disappointed to announce that the Dragons are unlikely to resume their participation in the efbet League when it resumes. The reasons are many and many of you know them. We start with the money and the promises made by some people. As of 02/15 this year, the players and coaching staff have not taken a single lion. In the context of teams that reduce their players’ salaries, the Danube stands out, leaving its players penniless at Easter … Today, at the municipal council session, the point regarding attendance was debated financial from the municipality to the team. . Well, unfortunately such a thing did not happen and no municipal football assistance would be available at this time. We at Danube Forever Fan Club urge everyone to blame the team for reaching that position, showing up and leaving with some kind of point of view. We don’t want team fans to live in ignorance about their pets and what will happen to them. We also want to remind Rousse’s new mayor, Mr. Pencho Milkov, that it is appropriate when he says something to try to make this happen. Let the problems be named with your real names and solved. We have grown tired of the last 2 years, constantly on the thorns and not knowing if there will be a team or not. The great shame for the city is what is happening in the team that represents it at the highest level of football in Bulgaria. We ask everyone who loves the Danube to circulate this post where they can comment on what they think is happening on the team. Let’s post the problems we have to find their solution. Let everything be transparent and say exactly what it is. And hopefully come out of this situation with honor and dignity. Stay on the Danube! Only the Danube and the Danube forever! #NiessmeDunav #Dunav forever
