Dr. Simidchiev announced the first strict measures that will return to our country



We have been living with this virus for 9 months and we know what happens in outpatient or hospital care. Just because there are more cases in a day doesn’t mean this is a long-lasting trend. There must be consistently high values ​​for several consecutive days for there to be new measurements. This was stated in a television interview by pulmonologist Dr. Alexander Simidchiev.

The pulmonologist pointed out that the first measures that will return will probably limit the concentration of people, either in sporting events or discos, “and not measures related to the closure of work or the restriction of the movement of people on the street.”

“The important criteria are different and different measures are taken,” Simidchiev said, explaining that if more people are infected per day, there will be solutions to limit this. “If it’s about increasing the number of infected people in hospitals, then measures should be taken for hospitals,” she said.

“There are fewer people in hospitals than in general, and this is due to the fact that the epidemic is spreading more among young and healthy people,” Simidchiev explained. “If we only physically close schools and children move from there to shopping centers, this will not stop the process. The connection between individuals must be cut. This can happen when masks are worn and distance is maintained,” said the expert. by Blitz.

“Until yesterday, 4 patients with high fever came to my office and only one of them has a positive PCR test. However, this is my sample, not a global one,” he explained.

Asked if there were lasting effects on the lungs if a person had a more severe coronavirus: “This year there was World Lung Day and there we had an initiative to measure its function in people who have had K-19. We will understand the results, however next year so we can keep things developing, “Simidchiev said.

“Many younger patients have a fever. It is important to drink plenty of fluids and medications to lower the temperature,” he said. According to him, if we stimulate our immunity too much, we can contract much more the coronavirus if we infect it.

“Everything should be in moderation,” Simidchiev said. Simidchiev said that Donald Trump had violated his quarantine. He also commented on each of the drugs used to treat the President of the United States: “Dexamethasone is a drug that is administered only in very severe cases, because otherwise it can prolong the disease. We also have that treatment, but like I said, only in very severe cases. cases, “he said.

“Antibody therapy is experimental. It’s American. Antibodies block the virus’s ability to adhere to the body. An experimental treatment could be done if there is a specific permission to use this product, but so far there is none or if the person is part of the experimental group, of which Trump is not really, “said Simidchiev.

“There is something very important: the regulatory framework. It aims to protect health,” he stressed. “Rendezivir – an antiviral drug. It has a moderate or weak effect on the disease. It is used against hepatitis C. And here there is some effect, but it is not permanent. Several drugs were used in this case, throwing everything possible to get something result, “said Simidchiev.

According to him, by the end of this year we will not have a vaccine against K-19, which is both effective and safe. He recommended that if a person is healthy, they get a flu shot.
