Dr. Pavlina Mihailova: All people with COVID-19 have the drug in their blood – Medications


All people with COVID-19 have a drug in their blood. That is why we ask people to donate blood. This was stated by Dr. Pavlina Mihailova – President of the Association for her treatment with convalescent plasma in the BNT “From the day” program.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 13718

“This treatment involves plasma containing antibodies. COVID-19 is a new disease, but colleagues in China share their experience,” he added.

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“The Military Medical Academy was the first to use plasma in our country. They have 23 successful transfusions of patients. The patients had moderate to severe form of the disease. This is a very good treatment. The transferred antibodies detect the virus and destroy it. “. a bag of plasma from a person who has had COVID-19. It is very rare to have a second. People who have had the most severe COVID-19 have the highest amounts of antibodies, “explained Dr. Pavlina Mihailova.

“In the United States, plasma can be given to anyone who needs it. In Bulgaria, this type of treatment is given to between 50 and 100 patients. The reasons for this small number are various, from the small number of volunteers to the lack of centers. COVID-19 center, “he said.

“According to her, the most valuable donor is a man under 55 years of age without comorbidities and who has suffered from moderate to severe viruses. The most needed blood plasma is blood group A. These people have been found to get sick more often “commented the doctor. .

According to Dr. Mihailova, some 30,000 people in Bulgaria have contracted the virus.

“If there are people from cities outside of Sofia who want to donate plasma with antibodies, the blood center will cover their costs. We want the Minister of Health to help us open more blood centers. 2-3 doses of plasma are taken from a donor Also, if a critically ill patient undergoes a blood transfusion, the mortality rate is reduced by 50%. Our Facebook group has people who have donated plasma. We have people who have already donated several times, “added Mihaylova.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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