Dr. Milen Cholakov, who suffered from COVID: It seems that everything is being rearranged: life, health


Dr. Milen Cholakov

Shumen’s doctor, Dr. Milen Cholakov, who contracted COVID and overcame it, moved again with his words. This time he directed them to the doctors, nurses and orderlies.

“With compassion, empathy, great professionalism, great courage and patience, doctors provide quality medical care to all patients. Thanks to the management of the hospital, which in conditions of strong COVID wave maintained self-control and organized the material resources and humans to combat this disease, “wrote the GP on his Facebook profile. Dr. Cholakov has already been discharged from the hospital and is at home with his family, who was quarantined while in the ward. hospital infections.

“It is very important now that those who have fallen ill or those who are at home are at peace. This is a difficult time, believe me! It seems that everything is being rearranged, both life and health, “Dr. Cholakov said for” 24 hours “. As in a reality show, the doctor talks about the feeling of being trapped by an unknown and terrifying virus, of taking your strength, but also to hope that you are stronger than him. Feel sorry for the doctors who are at the limit of their strength, left without the help of their colleagues in the difficult battle. Compare the situation with Armageddon.

Dr. Cholakov was infected in his office, where he was crammed with patients from morning to night.

“The infection probably occurred while he was examining, although he was wearing serious protective equipment: a helmet, a mask, gloves. Somehow the defense broke through,” describes the doctor.

In the spring, Dr. Milen Cholakov spoke about the need for personal protective equipment for jeeps, then they were in short supply. He wanted them to find them through the district crisis staff, even if the doctors had to pay for them themselves.

While he was in the hospital, seeing the world only through the window, the sad news reached him that his mother, who was in bed, had passed away. I couldn’t send it.

For his sincerity about the disease, about the state of the doctors who were left without help from their colleagues against the virus, about the state of the hospital, he received courage and support. He was also given convalescent hyperimmune plasma and the experimental treatment had a good effect on his condition.

“It really works folks, it is a true antidote to COVID. Once infused, it neutralizes and powerfully removes the virus,” wrote Dr. Milen Cholakov of Shumen. He was adamant that COVID survivors could save lives by donating blood for convalescent plasma.
