Dr. Madjarov: This is one of the biggest threats to health: developing issues


“Personal example is very important, especially when it is given by respected and authorized people. We, as doctors, must set a personal example. Those who say that we should trust them must also set,” commented the president of the Bulgarian Medical Union, Dr. Ivan Madjarov, to NOVA about the future vaccination campaign against covid-19.

“Even before this epidemic, it occurred to the World Health Organization that one of the greatest threats to human health, along with air pollution, obesity and the diseases that we all know, is the refusal to vaccinate large sectors of the population. “Historically, vaccines have saved humanity from very serious diseases.”

Dr. Madjarov stressed that he is not concerned about the expected covid-19 vaccine.

“If we begin to doubt all the achievements of modern human science, where are we going as a society? Vaccines are part of that science.”

“I will be vaccinated. I even hope this happens, because in many cases I have this constant sense of threat that is invisible around you for months along with isolation and quarantine. It is much more comforting to get vaccinated and to know that you have taken action against this virus. than expecting it to become infected at any time. Definitely for everyone over 50, this is a much more reasonable way to approach the situation, “said the president of the BMA.

The BMA wants a meeting with Borisov because of the National Health Insurance Fund

He stressed that for vaccines that must be stored at minus 70 degrees Celsius, the Head of Vaccination will have to create a very clear and precise organization, since this is a big problem.

This vaccine may not be available to any GP. It will probably be necessary to have specialized vaccination points.

“We will start talking in the next stage about a certificate that has been vaccinated. It is important where and who issued the certificate,” Dr. Madjarov noted, adding that the travel and the opportunity to cross the border are likely linked to this certificate.

The president of the BMA also commented on the crowds of people in the stores in recent days. According to him, the measures as such are not so important, but the willingness of citizens to observe them and the control for their observance.

“Whoever rapes does it because no one else has come to punish him.”

Dr. Madjarov pointed out that months pass between the decision-making in the Council of Ministers on the organization of the fight against covid-19 and its implementation in practice.

The president of the BMA clarified that he does not even know what are the bureaucratic procedures in the National Health Insurance Fund that give rise to these delays, who is responsible and who should be required to resign. But after each government decision in the NHIF “some meetings begin.”

Dr Madjarov gave the example of opening the offices for kovid-19 at the DCC, for which it is not yet clear, although a government decision has been made and funding has been provided.

He said that although vaccination would start soon, the coronavirus infection epidemic would not end on January 1.
