Dr. Julian Petrov: Before we close schools because of COVID, let’s let this happen with shopping malls and restaurants.


To be repeated even the first grade, if the child has not mastered the necessary knowledge, says the president of the union “Education” to “Support”

– Mr. Petrov, you asked politicians before the elections to introduce an assessment of student discipline. Why?

– Years ago we discussed a strategy for education in educational institutions. We have reached a national consensus. The document ordered that values ​​be formed in schools and, at the same time, that students learn to follow the rules, be tolerant of others and respect the rights of other people. One of the great problems of Bulgarian education is related to aggression, the failure to comply with many of the school rules. There are many examples. Discipline evaluation is very important. Because there is a deficit in the initial stage, where socialization and education go ahead, and students go on the fast track without repeating and sometimes without having a minimum of knowledge. The most important thing at this stage is to learn the rules, as in the main educational systems in the world. We have not overcome this deficit with the law or with other activities.

Children need

to learn



values ​​and if


the rules

This is most easily done at school. A disciplinary grade would reduce aggression at school.

– What responsibilities do you want to impose on parents?

– For more than 10 years, the Bulgarian family has somehow stayed away from its vocation as a partner. There are many parent organizations that are trying to become moderators of the educational process, but without the necessary qualifications.

So we want to firmly say that the family is leading. He must associate, form values ​​in the first years of the child’s life, respect others and then, together with the teachers, form a personality that is in tune with the value system. Not individuals who do not respect the rights of other people and are willing to break discipline in class and then break the law or find a way to walk outside the law.

We want to have


to make


to observe

responsibilities. The legal texts that impose parental responsibility are not enough. We can look at practices in other educational systems. In France and England, there are positions in the school that strictly follow the rules of the school.

They have enough tools to punish any parent who breaks the rules.

There, even for bringing a phone to school, there are punishments for parents, which are not easy at all. Children from an early stage get used to the rules and then accept them as something natural. At the moment, this is something we miss a bit. There is a new theme in the new law: the public council. Unfortunately, he can’t pick up speed. Perhaps we should rethink his philosophy. It had to partner and be a leader in many processes, in fact right now

the public

advice is something

that rather


It does, but it does not have the ability to cooperate. At the same time, in competitions for school principals, the public council has the right to vote and the public unions do not. And they have a look and certainly a lot more weight. It is a mistake for the public council to evaluate future directors. The importance of public council must be considered more carefully.

– You say that the students in a class should be less, how many should there be?

– We would like to overcome the exceptions, when possible, the number of 26 children will increase by 10%. You have to think about the optimal number for educational processes to be really effective. Kindergarten work is also difficult when there are more than 30 children in the group. If we focus on 26 without exception, it would be good as a first step. Let’s take a look at the European educational institutions, where in private schools classes are with children between 16 and 26 years old. I think it is not recommended, however, to have less than 16 children in the class. Community is not enough for effective socialization.

– What should be the mandatory exam after each class you offer?

– Our proposal is aimed at the initial stage. Many children enter fifth grade without the minimum necessary knowledge, socialization, and education. Therefore, we would like to have an internal exam after 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. Teachers have a good view of their students. And those who have not mastered the material should have effective opportunities to re-master, and if necessary, to repeat the class to be at the level. Again, the most important thing among the little ones is education. This will help everyone a lot. Because

a child


the rules

puts at risk and

everyone else

Since we want a good partnership with parents, we must often look at the perspective of those who have fulfilled their responsibilities. That is why we often see a group of students and even entire classes that move to another school, because they cannot agree with the passivity of the teachers, who do not have tools to deal with that student or with all his family on their own.

– What should the exam be after 1st grade?

– This is a subject of great debate. If we come to the decision that there should be an exam, it will be commensurate with the student’s abilities. But it should not be accepted without reservation that anyone who has spent any time in 1st grade must pass. Thus, the child will learn to be responsible in the 1st grade. It is not a super academic exam, it will be consistent with the level of what is taught and educated in the classroom.

– From “Teachers for Safe Education” we insist on an immediate transition to online learning for all students from 1st to 12th grade, what do you think?

– We conducted a survey throughout the country. In Sofia and Pleven they had ideas to consider a complete transition to online learning. However, colleagues in other areas were in favor of a differentiated approach. We have proposed it to the Minister of Education, insofar as he can make a recommendation to the Ministry of Health. If there is a closure, let the schools be last. Let them close restaurants and shopping centers first, but totally, not half. Let’s finally close the schools, because for some ages it is not good to have such a long education in an electronic environment. On a national scale

sick teachers

and students

they are small

There are also schools with patients, but they are few and can switch locally to distance e-learning. Let’s be very careful with others, because education is very important. And experts assure that the English virus, although very active, is easier to transmit. Leading must be the priority of education.

– How is the teachers’ vaccination going?

– It’s fine. Our phase has passed, but many teachers continue with the GPs. About 40% are probably already vaccinated. In a month or two, I hope, a large part of the teachers have become ill or have been vaccinated. Think more about exceptions to the regular learning process.

– In general, what is the health status of the teachers?

– A year ago, we rather studied the workload of teachers and the appearance of various diseases as a result of their burnout. As part of a European project, we are relaunching the study of workload in line with e-learning, which has undoubtedly further catalyzed burnout. Teachers need rehabilitation. You have to reduce the factors that overwhelm them. The teaching profession is very important. Teacher burnout is a national problem. We owe it to them, as well as to the doctors, of course. People in both professions have been under a lot of stress in the last year. At the national level, a policy to preserve them should be considered. You have to think about



In a second

Laboral category

The teacher must be separated from administrative activities, for which additional persons must be appointed. Let’s give the teacher back to the students, let’s not use him as an administrator. The teachers really showed heroism during the distance learning. They create happy citizens.

– Has the teacher’s self-confidence increased with the increase in salary?

– I am pleased to say that the teacher’s public rating has increased in the last year. In general, there is no doubt that respect for the teacher, albeit slowly, is increasing. The increase in teachers’ salaries proves it. We want to focus not only on people’s salaries, but also on the overall financing of education. Let’s aim for at least 6% of GDP to go to education if we want to reform. To make it even more modern. If we want to compare ourselves with countries that conduct international examinations, we must think about adequate funding. Make this a priority for everyone you must prove after the election.

– Are more young people involved in the teaching profession?

– The latest study by the Ministry of Education showed a decrease in the average age. We asked the ministry to tell us how many of the young teachers are staying and how many have left. Many young teachers enter the system but cannot bear the difficulties of the profession and even difficult communication with some parents. I have spoken with two teachers in the last month who have left the system due to insults from parents and the lack of protection from regional administrations and the ministry. There is a desire of the young, but we must try to maintain them. In recent years there has been interest in pedagogical specialties. We need the average age of the teachers to be 40-45. I think we are at least 10 years old now.


He graduated from the Plovdiv School of Music and then from the Plovdiv Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts with double bass in the specialty “Music Pedagogy”.

He has a master’s degree in computer science from the University of Plovdiv.

He defended his scientific title “Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences”

Assistant at the University of Plovdiv, teaches policy in school education.

Leader of the union “Education” in the LC “Apoyo” since 2011.
