Dr. Ivan Madjarov demonstrated why food in supermarkets is more dangerous than vaccines


The blockade keeps the pressure on hospitals at the same level. Said this to “Attention“The president of the Bulgarian Medical Union, Dr. Ivan Madjarov.

“We still cannot say that the pressure is decreasing due to the number of hospitals and intensive care units. The good thing is that it does not grow with each passing day, as before. This allows to adapt to some extent the colleagues in the wards who treat COVID-19 patients.

It is clear that the virus needs many people close to each other to be able to jump from one host to another ”, he explained.

According to Dr. Ivan Madjarov, if this possibility is limited, there will surely be a slowdown in the spread of the coronavirus.

“Vaccines and drugs are subject to much more research than the foods that are offered to us in the supermarket,” he said.

“Personally, I am much more concerned about what is offered in supermarkets as food. A large number of technologies are also applied that do not require a trial period of how they will affect our body, but are released directly into food chains.

If we consider whether the large amount of food in stores produced in an unknown way is not dangerous for us, we will see that what they offer us as a vaccine or medicine is subject to much more controls and investigations. Among other things, it was invented by people who have no bad intentions, “he explained.

According to Dr. Ivan Madjarov, talking in excess of technological and specialized language brings more concerns to society, because most of the terms are understandable only to professionals and rather cause concern. He asked for more confidence in science.

“You cannot expect an excessive number of doctors who want to be vaccinated,” said the director of the BMA. He recalled that a large number of doctors fell ill. According to him, most of the lists of doctors who want to get vaccinated are ready.

“And the coronavirus vaccine will probably be the same as the flu vaccine. Maybe not every year, but in two years we will have to get vaccinated if we want to be protected from this virus. I don’t think vaccination will achieve lifelong immunity. ”, He explained.

Dr. Ivan Madjarov also said that it made no sense for the vaccine to harm a person with antibodies. However, according to him, vaccination in the presence of antibodies does not make sense.
