Dr. Hasardjiev: The Hardest Months Ahead – Issues in Development


re Stanimir Hasardjiev from the National Organization of Patients commented on the “Hello, Bulgaria” program in NOVA about the situation with the spread of the coronavirus in our country and the record data of recent weeks.

He noted that the patient organization has been constantly receiving signals from patients to refuse admission to the hospital since the beginning of the quarantine period and it is not just about patients with a positive COVID test.

A record number of COVID-19 cases, but also a record number of tests

“Our health system is facing a challenge, this is the case around the world.

Unfortunately, our system is the least prepared compared to the countries of the European Union..

We are about to see the most difficult months and periods since the beginning of the crisis in Bulgaria, ”he said.

“The eyes of fear are wide, the ignorance and lack of systematic training in our country of Bulgarian doctors to react to situations like this now have their impact and we see in practice what is happening. Not all people infected with coronavirus will need hospital treatment and therefore we as citizens must be responsible for ourselves and we do not want all patients to be immediately admitted to a hospital, “said Dr. Hasardjiev.

More than 100 people were infected with the coronavirus at a wedding

According to

the great health problem is in patients with chronic problems.

“Of all the deaths in Bulgaria, almost no one died without a chronic disease. These same people need to receive their medications on a monthly basis. Our system forces them to go from doctor to doctor for protocols and prescriptions,” Hasardjiev added, noting that electronic prescribing and electronic protocols are not enough.

Outdoor masks are mandatory again

Regarding the mandatory use of masks, Dr. Hasardjiev asked that everyone wear protective equipment. “They protect the person who uses them, but also those around them. “Tough months are coming and it is necessary for each of us to assume responsibility and continue to want this country to correct its mistakes, which it has not corrected for years,” he added.

On the end of President Rumen Radev’s visit to Estonia

He said: “I think it is a matter of personal responsibility when there is the slightest doubt or risk that you have been in contact with a carrier of the coronavirus, isolate yourself. Following the lead of many Western politicians who did this, including in contact with someone who was later diagnosed with coronavirus, many politicians announced in the media that they were isolating themselves.

President Radev with a comment on the COVID scandal

President Radev will be quarantined

It is a matter of personal choice and responsibility, and in this case a matter of the responsibility of public figures to show everyone how to react in such a situation.

Hear the entire conversation in the video above.
