Dr. Gergana Nikolova: This scared me personally – Issues in development


“The bad thing is that all kinds of crazy combinations are spreading on the Internet. What personally scared me was that yesterday at the DCC where I work I saw pre-made therapies written on the seats, which were signed by various luminaries. and they include really scary drug combinations, some of which cannot be prescribed without observation with an EKG of cardiac activity, “said on the air of” Hello, Bulgaria “Dr. Gergana Nikolova, who is a general practitioner, member of the Bulgarian Medical Union.

According to her, there are combinations of drugs that can be very dangerous to our health.

“When you combine drugs that have an irritating effect on the stomach lining, and you usually have a problem or it is not well protected or not observed, there can be really sudden and heavy bleeding from the stomach. The intestinal tract, which can be extremely heavy and life threatening, “he added.

“There is a combination of drugs that cannot be allowed. There are medications that cannot be prescribed for a given patient. If, for example, you have a liver injury, you cannot give a drug that passes through the liver or vice versa. “If you have kidney damage and the medicine is excreted through your kidneys. There are many things that need to be combined and monitored. Therapy is an art, not just a collection of drugs put together, “he said.

Dr. Nikolova urged patients to:

“Dear patients, do not prescribe therapy to yourself. Do not believe everything you read on the Internet. After all, we are not trained on the Internet. We have studied for 12-14 years to know how to combine different drugs.” she added.

See more on the subject in the video.

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