Dr. Elias Oziolor from Razgrad is responsible for the safety of the Pfizer vaccine.


His father was one of the first immunized in Bulgaria. There is nothing scary, he is convinced

Dr. Elias Oziolor, 30, of Razgrad, runs the toxicology lab at pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and is directly responsible for the safety of the company’s coronavirus vaccine.



The policy of the US pharmaceutical giant does not allow workers there to comment on their activities, so Dr. Oziolor refuses to appear in the media. Among the first vaccinated in Bulgaria and the first in Razgrad, however, was his father, Dr. Michel Oziolor. He is the head of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Razgrad Hospital. Immediately after him, his wife, the dentist Natalia Oziolor, was immunized.

“I feel fine. I feel only mild discomfort where the injection was given.

After me


I continued

to work,

I was also in my office in the afternoon, I had no problems, “Dr. Michel Oziolor told 24 Chassa.

The elderly doctor was initially against the vaccine, although his son is working on it. However, the young Dr. Oziolor convinced him.

My son is the head of the Pfizer laboratory, which is responsible for the toxicity and safety of the vaccine. In a conversation with him I realized that there is nothing scary, on the contrary, the only side effect or side effect that can occur is an allergic reaction, so we must be monitored up to 30 minutes after vaccination. If it passes without an allergic reaction, no problems. I don’t know anything in particular about the vaccine itself, but

the son can’t

I to me


Do and

it is dangerous “,

said the doctor.

According to him, this is our weapon now with which to defend ourselves and live a normal life. There is nothing else.

“We can’t wear masks all the time and suffocate,” he said. And the opinions of the doctors against the vaccine were not correct, because they do not know how it is made or what it contains. Pfizer kept this information a trade secret, but ensured its security.

Together with the entire Pfizer team, Dr. Elias Oziolor is currently working to extend the immunity of the vaccine to 6 months.

“Not only am I proud, but I’m happy that I was able to be his endorsement, because I can’t study him, I can only be his support and endorsement, and I did it. I’m very satisfied with the fact that I didn’t let him need anything in life. , and I see great talent in him, “said Dr. Michel Oziolor about his son.

At the age of 13, Elias left Razgrad and went to study at the American College in Sofia. Then he went to the United States, where he decided that he did not want to be a doctor. He preferred to work in a laboratory and do science.

In 2012, Elias Oziolor began his doctorate at Baylor University in Texas, and in 2017 he became a professor at Davis University in California.

He had 4-5 years left and he would become a professor of toxicology and genetics, but then the Pfizer job offer came up. I was with him when he asked his teacher what to do, and he told him that he would go in his place if he didn’t, because


do not choose

whoever “

narrated by Dr. Michelle Oziolor.

Elias headed the pharmaceutical giant’s laboratory in January 2019, just over a year before development of the coronavirus vaccine began.

The Oziolor family has Lebanese roots. Dr. Michelle Oziolor’s mother is Lebanese. He came to Bulgaria at the age of 20. He graduated from Sofia Medical University, where he met his wife Natalia, who is from Razgrad. After specializing at the local hospital, Dr. Oziolor decided to stay.

“I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said that I really like the city. It’s quiet, it’s quiet and we both decided to stay in Razgrad, “shared Dr. Michel Oziolor.

The last time Dr. Elias Oziolor came to Bulgaria was last summer. He was supposed to return now for the Christmas holidays, since his flight was for December 17, but due to the pandemic situation it was canceled. Now I will wait again for the summer, when the situation is expected to be much calmer.
