Donchev: We are responsible, many of the criticisms they make us are inappropriate – Politics


The political complaint is unfounded. Should the state flee from its primary role of helping those affected as elections are approaching? We treat the state budget responsibly, thinking about the next government, whatever it may be. Unfortunately, in times of crisis, instead of humiliating ourselves, seeking consensus, the opposite happens. Many of our criticisms are even inappropriate. This was told BNR by Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev.Tomislav Donchev

Tomislav Peykov Donchev is a Bulgarian politician from the GERB party, deputy.

According to him, Bulgaria will probably be the country with the lowest deficit of all the members of the European Union.

In exceptional circumstances, the budget deficit can exceed 3% of GDP

Between the first and second reading, drastic changes in the budget are very little possible. That would ruin his conceptual body, the deputy prime minister was adamant. He stressed that the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan is a very important tool:

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“The funding is a little over BGN 12 billion, but it is part of the BGN 50 billion that will be available by 2030. When we comment on the plan, we have to have it in one with the operational programs, with the Just Transition Fund. “A set of measures that is intended to be fully implemented … I want to hear all the opinions, all the constructive criticisms. I accept every recommendation from outside, because this will improve the plan, “Donchev said.

According to him, our health system is much better prepared to deal with the coronavirus. Now the art is to take the appropriate measures that do not allow the epidemic to expand and at the same time not suffocate the economy and people to live with relative normality.

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“Bulgaria ranks 17th in morbidity and 10th in mortality in the EU. If the outlook worsens, the government is ready to apply stricter measures. The focus should be on compliance with the measures at this time, because” Of what more stringent measures are useful if the current ones are not fully complied with … Checkpoints are logical when the disease is concentrated in a single area and we have absolutely clean areas, “added the deputy prime minister.
