Donchev: We are ready to scale the measures without closing the state


There is a provision to apply ever greater measures if necessary, without shutting down the state, Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev told Tazi Sutrin.

“The art now is to move with the edge of the razor, on the one hand, protecting the health of the people, and on the other, without ruining the economy,” he said.

According to him, whatever control is applied, nothing can replace personal responsibility.

“There is no state of chaos in our country regarding the coronavirus. We have a list of progressive steps. They are not drastic restrictive measures, “explained Tomislav Donchev.

According to him, the summer “has not slept” in terms of the spread of the virus.

“In the spring, the doctors did not know how to fight the disease. Now they have gained experience and we managed to cure a large part of the patients,” Donchev says.

He said that everything should be done to increase people’s testing.

“If the price of this is more free PCR tests, then it should be free. The experience of other countries shows that this is one of the methods to reduce the infection,” explained the deputy prime minister.

When asked if the state has the money to provide free trials, Donchev said yes.

“This is not a problem that the state cannot solve. News in this direction is expected in the next few days or weeks,” Tomislav Donchev said, adding that the tests will be “focused on those who need it.”

Regarding the attacks on the budget next year and that money is being given to sectors that are not so affected by the COVID crisis, Donchev said that doctors are the most directly affected by the pandemic and therefore the main priority in this moment is having a living wage. because the whole society relies on them.

On the president’s words that this budget is “ruinous”, Donchev said that a complex construction, such as the budget, cannot always be described as “political clichés.”

“Aside from the cliches, I use figures and data in which Bulgaria is compared to other European countries. The devastating budget is a political cliche,” Donchev added.
