Dogan to MRF: if we are far ahead of the other parties, we will be a collective image of the enemy for all – Politics


Dogan to the MRF: if we are far ahead of the other parties, we will be a collective image of the enemy for all

© Stand still

After describing the difficult times the world is living in due to the coronavirus, MRF Honorary President Ahmed Dogan announced the task of the tasks: to prevent the impending humanitarian catastrophe.

In his congratulations to the members of the MRF, which was read in the online conference today by former youth leader Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Ahmed Dogan, who observed through the Zoom platform, the honorary president said: “Remember: to be equal to others political forces, you must be at least one step ahead of them in analyzing, targeting, and reforming the world we live in. If overtaking others is unbearable for them, then we will become a collective image of the enemy to This imperative is valid for all the formations that appear in the world as resistance to the assimilation of their identity. Finding the optimal balance in relation to who we are and how we want to legitimize ourselves according to the political time in society is the art of doing politics “.

The speech ended with wishes for unity, strength and health and “I love you.”

Applause and chants of De-Pe-Se could be heard from the party headquarters lounge and online, after which Ahmed Dogan personally greeted the participants and wished them health for about a minute.

“Sometimes I am so mad at fate that it turned me into a politician, but as I watch it emerge, settle and develop, I have to apologize to fate because I get enormous inner satisfaction from being a role model for others. Thank you for having.” I am convinced that he has a very interesting future ahead of him, especially in the context of his responsibility, of this cross he has to do, to build a new world “, said the honorary president of the MRF.

Dogan to the MRF: if we are far ahead of the other parties, we will be a collective image of the enemy for all


Dnevnik posted Dogan’s one-on-one greeting:

We live in difficult and unpredictable times, a virus changed our way of life and showed how vulnerable we are in all dimensions of life. Of course, this will pass, but nothing in our current life will have its current shape and meaning. In one year of his insidious march across the planet, Kovid-19 transformed political realities, changed political subjects, exposed the deficits of state institutions and their functions in the service of society, hit the economy, and tightly mixed the layers of the public and corporate interests. The health security of citizens is an absolute priority for all countries.

This shocked the political elite, because this problem was ignored and postponed. The impacts of these changes will be proportional to climate change, large-scale wars, or financial and economic crisis on a monetary scale. And it is at such a critical moment in the life of humanity that expressions such as global unity, united efforts and unity are the appeals addressed to all with the most frequency. There is no doubt that everyone intuitively understands the meaning of these messages, but only when a common danger looms over our heads.

I want you all to negotiate lessons for unity and togetherness! That is why the task of the tasks is to prevent the impending humanitarian catastrophe. All efforts must focus on the fight against the coronavirus and its consequences. For our voters and for all citizens of the country.

I want each of you to do for others what you would expect to receive from the world around you. I want you to make unity and unity an intrinsic motivation for policymaking and real history!

But remember: to be on an equal footing with other political forces, you must be at least one step, but no more, ahead of them in analyzing, targeting, and reshaping the world we live in. If overtaking others is unbearable for them, then we will become a collective image of the enemy for everyone. This imperative is valid for all the formations that arise in the world as resistance to the assimilation of their identity. Finding the optimal balance in the relationship between what we are and how we want to legitimize ourselves according to the political moment in society is the art of doing politics.

I wish you to be strong, alive and healthy and to defend yourself in time,

I love you!

Always your Ahmed Dogan
