Djokovic has been accused of violating the isolation measures in Spain


The Spanish media have accused Novak Djokovic of violating the isolation and training rules in a complex that should be closed. The occasion was a video that the world №1 in tennis published on his Instagram account.

It shows Nole playing on a red court in a complex in Marbella with someone else, and the text is:

“I am happy to play again … Or at least something like that. At the moment I am with the phone in my hand, something I do not recommend to 18-year-olds.

As of Monday, there has been a partial relaxation of austerity measures against the pandemic in Spain, but the sports complexes had to remain closed until May 11. The only exception is the bases of the football clubs, which are already training before the expected resumption of the season.

The country’s tennis association confirmed that the complexes for this sport will not be open to players, whether professional or not, before May 11. In that case, Nole’s practice on the court is a violation.

At the same time, Rafa Nadal, who announced that he was resuming training, complied with the measures. Matadora admitted that he is not allowed to practice on the courts of his own tennis academy, which remains closed until next Monday.

Rafa is with the rocket on a small but personal court in the patio of his close friend’s house near Mallorca.

It is not a sports complex. Nadal revealed that he intended to open his academy complex, but decided to avoid any risk of violating the bans and will wait until next week.
