“Disease X” is already a fact, much more deadly and contagious than COVID-19 – Diseases


Professor Jean-Jacques Muembe Tampum, who was the pioneer of Ebola, warned of the emergence of a dangerous new disease. “Disease X” is much more dangerous than coronavirus and Ebola.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 17995

He announced that he had found patient zero, world agencies reported.

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The Congolese doctor said one of his patients had symptoms of hemorrhagic fever. Tests for Ebola and a few other diseases were immediately done, but none came back positive. The specialist added that it is a completely new disease that can spread like the coronavirus at an incredible rate, but at the same time there is a mortality rate like that of Ebola: from 50 to 90% of cases, writes the Daily Mail.

Patient Dadin Boncole was cured, but her samples were sent for further examination after testing. The results have been compared to a wide variety of diseases, but to date, scientists have been unable to find a match. Therefore, “disease X” remains a mystery and no one can say exactly what causes it.

The infection has been identified by the WHO (World Health Organization) as hypothetical at this time, which could lead to a pandemic in the future.

Professor Tampum added that new viruses emerging from Africa’s rainforests could spread rapidly and pose a serious threat to humanity.

He also warned that there is a danger that many more animal-derived diseases will be transmitted to humans and gave an example: influenza, rabies and yellow fever have passed from animals to humans. These are common diseases and can lead to epidemics and pandemics in the future.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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