Desi Plevnelieva crushed Radev and cut Mangarov very badly


Desi Plevnelieva agreed that the battle between the country’s two great men, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and President Rumen Radev, will continue until next year, when there will be important elections. However, he stressed that it was Radev who started the war.

Did this on the air of Nova TV.

“This president is anything but a unifier of the nation. It is inadmissible to go out with a raised hand, clenched into a fist,” said Desi Plevnelieva, referring to the negativity of Rumen Radev, who constantly inflates tensions.

I do not consider it normal for the president of a country to demand the resignation of the prime minister and the chief prosecutor, he added.

Radev would only win if he surprised with something positive. So far we have heard nothing but criticism of the government. To at least give a working solution or to praise something, these rulers have done good things, suggested Ms Plevnelieva, noting that her husband Rosen Plevneliev was dialogical while in office.

“Let’s not forget who started all this. By taking the oath, Radev gave the parliamentary groups a period of one week.

From day one, he chose confrontation. Borisov tried to help out several times. I do not believe that the term of president or prime minister should be subordinated to this type of battle. The battle with them must be for the people, “Plevnelieva added.

Desi Plevnelieva also commented on the issue of the coronavirus and the measures taken to control it.

“We live in interesting times. Things happen that we’ve only seen in movies.

Unfortunately, in their panic, people are willing to believe many conspiracy theories. It is also bad that not all doctors are in the same situation.

However, if we do not believe those of our country, it is good to see what is happening in the world. World science centers like Oxford, Harvard and Robert Koch can’t be wrong.

They say categorically that the virus is very scary. Masks and keeping your distance are extremely important, “said Desi Plevnelieva.
