“Democratic Bulgaria” declared thematic majorities against Borisov and Geshev after the vote – Politics


© Julia Lazarova

Three months before the parliamentary elections, the Democratic Bulgaria group announced that its main task in the future 45 parliament was to comply with the protesters’ demands for the removal of Boyko Borissov and the resignation of Ivan Geshev.

A statement from the training states that the union will look for topics, incl. and constitutional majorities in the next National Assembly in fulfillment of these tasks and other priorities, incl. re-establishment of the legal and democratic order, rehabilitation of statehood, disintegration of the political influence of the MRF, restoration of the role of parliament, reform of the electoral process, guarantee of freedom of expression and the media, purification, etc. The training explains that there is a ready package of legislative changes on these issues.

The announcement comes days after Democratic Bulgaria’s co-president Hristo Ivanov said that the union between Yes Bulgaria, DSB and the Green Movement has no intention of changing its form before the elections, and the organizers of the so-called protests anti-government. The poisonous trio and former ombudsman Maya Manolova made it clear that they want to cooperate with them and with Slavi Trifonov’s party. “There are such people.”

“Today we must accept our differences and the decisions of individual political forces, but also assure the people that there will be unity around a cause. Although not as a pre-electoral coalition between parties, but around major tasks such as a clear commitment to all to fulfill them together in the National Assembly, “commented Hristo Ivanov today. He suggests that each party expose its policies so that it is clear who wants what and what is agreed on, as well as signing an agreement or finding another framework for joint efforts for fair elections.

Today, Democratic Bulgaria declares its willingness to cooperate with democratic formations and non-governmental organizations to guarantee the fairness of the electoral process and jointly carry out a parallel count of the results, as well as request the signing of an integrity pact and public commitments by the participants in the elections. oppose perverse electoral practices.

The union wants candidates in the upcoming elections to take a clear position on their priorities so that citizens can make informed decisions and demand that their political representatives fulfill their campaign commitments, including their participation in such majorities in parliament. restart of democracy and radical modernization of the country.

Dnevnik publishes the priorities indicated by Democratic Bulgaria one by one:

Removal of GERB from the government and the elimination of Borisov-related corruption networks.

Decomposition of MRF’s systemic political influence and dismantling the Sarai model and its mechanisms of behind-the-scenes influence in the economy, justice and the media.

Strengthen our membership in the EU and NATO. Disruption of opportunities for malicious foreign influence in Bulgaria by authoritarian regimes, including the Putin and Erdogan regime, as well as a proper assessment to strengthen China’s position in our country. Guarantee the energy sovereignty of the country. Review of the project and operation of Turkish Stream and shutdown of the Belene nuclear power plant.

Recovery in the role of parliament and political representation – creation of a legislative citizens’ initiative, possibility of investigation commissions formed by the opposition, reform of party financing.

Lustration disrupting the forms of continuous influence of the totalitarian service networks and the communist nomenklatura and the forms of their reproduction. Introduction of the possibility of imposing prohibitions to occupy certain positions. Guarantee public access to all documents in the field of COMDOS and the developments of the services and the Ministry of the Interior with expired classification period. Introduction of real loyalty and integrity controls for key positions in administration and services.

Strengthening the rule of law and institutions through changes to the Constitution, ensuring the termination of the mandate of Ivan Geshev and the current composition of the SJC. Reform of the Prosecutor’s Office and the Supreme Council of the Judiciary through reforms to the Constitution and the Law of the Judiciary. Removal of the specialized court and prosecutor’s office, as well as KPKONPI in its current form. Elimination of authoritarian amendments to the Tsatsarov, Geshev and GERB Code of Criminal Procedure. Elimination of the Witness Protection Office in its current form. Re-election of prosecutors and investigators with the participation of European experts. Presentation of direct constitutional complaint. Reform in the Ministry of the Interior and services, as well as re-election in key structures of the sector. Liquidation of NSO.

Restart of regulators and control bodies through the introduction of a constitutional standard for the election of members and managers with high professional and moral quality and a proven commitment to the public interest, the rule of law and the democratic model of government (including filter for purification) and guarantees of transparency and participation public in broadcasting procedures.

Carrying out a radical modernization program in governance and economy: make a green energy transition and a true green recovery from the covid crisis, digitization and the development of an innovative economy and high value-added agriculture. Shocking introduction of e-government and e-health, administrative reform and decentralization.

Human capital development and unlocking the potential of people at home and abroad through amazing investments in education and culture, health care and social protection.

Ensuring a clean and safe environment and implement measures against the destruction of natural resources in favor of subsidized private interests, curbing preferential prices for waste incineration and energy production from hydroelectric power plants built on drinking water dams, stopping illegal logging.

Reform of the electoral process by introducing remote voting, electronically and by mail. Creation of a “Foreign” constituency. Introduction of an electoral roll.

Implement a comprehensive strategy to Guarantee the freedom of the media and journalism and radically increase transparency and access to information.to be proposed by the professional community.
