DB against Radev demanded online broadcasting of the electoral process (Video, photos)




To broadcast the electoral process online, this idea was put forward in consultation with President Radev of “Democratic Bulgaria”. Photos Velislav Nikolov Video Facebook / Rumen Radev

More time for participation in BNR and BNT for all parties in electoral campaigns, insists Hristo Ivanov

The electoral process will be broadcast online – this idea was put forward in consultation with President Radev of “Democratic Bulgaria”. If not all on election day, then at least the vote count should be filmed and broadcast live, union co-chair Hristo Ivanov asked, explaining that “this and not-so-democratic countries do it.”

Rumen Radev said he supported the idea. According to him, however, it is not necessary to film the entire election day with cameras, and that each member or defender of PEC can reproduce live video.

Ivanov also asked for more time to participate in the broadcast of BNR and BNT for election campaigns. “We hope to significantly increase the time for politicians to participate in the BNR and BNT. To have a full debate and for everyone to participate, and not depend on who has how much money in the account,” Hristo Ivanov said.

He suggested that parties could digitally collect signatures prior to registration to participate in elections. This would reduce person-to-person contacts and the risk of an epidemic.

Another proposal is to create a health protocol and publish it as soon as possible, explaining what measures against the epidemic should be observed by members, defenders and observers of the PEC.

“It is important that this is published early. Citizens can comment on these proposals. This is the key to encouraging the people. If we hold elections in which the citizens do not dare to go, we will plant a confidence bomb,” Ivanov said.

The president explained that he also asked to see this sanitary protocol as soon as possible and that each member of the section commissions receive a package of protective equipment such as a mask, gloves, helmet and disinfectant. “To show that the state thinks of its citizens. All members of the PEC must have personal protective equipment with a protocol on how long to change. The money required is not large,” Radev added.

“The main risk of the next elections is that they will be organized by the corrupt Borisov state. That is why it is important to organize all citizens to be able to monitor their conduct,” said the other co-president of Democratic Bulgaria, Gen. Atanas Atanasov.

The DB expressed its wish that the parties and independent organizations of civil society could audit the voting machines, as well as accept the vote by mail, for which they have prepared a bill. Radev supported the statements for an independent audit of the machines. He also said that the segments of the voting machine should have a barcode with which everyone can verify if their vote went to the party they voted for.

What happened during consultations with Slavi Trifonov’s party “There is such a state”

With which other opposition parties will Rumen Radev consult today?
