Day 104: Protesters prepare a surprise for Borisov at Sofia airport – Bulgaria


Day 104: Protesters prepare a surprise for Borisov at Sofia airport

© Georgi Kozhukharov

For the 104th night in a row, protesters gathered in the center of Sofia demanding the resignation of the government and Attorney General Ivan Geshev. And tonight the space around the presidency and the Council of Ministers, and then the Eagle Bridge, was blocked.

The initiators of the Poison Trio protests announced during their speeches that “some good people” told them that tomorrow at 9 am Prime Minister Boyko Borissov will be in the VIP terminal of Sofia airport, as he will fly to Graf Ignatievo.

“We have prepared surprises for him. Whoever can give the order. There we will tell him how much we want him to resign,” said the tribune of the Venom Trio.

Hours earlier, the initiators of the protest announced that they had invited non-parliamentary parties to a meeting to develop a mechanism to guarantee the fairness of the vote. Arman Babikyan explained to BNR that 3 political groups were invited: “There is such a people” by Slavi Trifonov, “Stand up BG” by Maya Manolova and “Democratic Bulgaria”. The reason for seeking dialogue with them is that statistical polls gave them the opportunity to enter the next National Assembly. The meeting is likely to take place early next week.

Lawyer Nikolai Hadjigenov hinted that the protest would respond to an order to wear masks outdoors, which is expected shortly after the Health Minister announced today that the measure would take effect on Thursday (October 22). He said the protesters would respond to the order with eggs “the size of an ostrich.”

Shortly before 9pm, protesters marched and blocked traffic on Orlov Most.
