Daniel Valchev: The government does not have the confidence to impose stricter measures – ᐉ News from Bulgaria • latest news and current information


“Society is very divided on anti-epidemic measures and whatever the government does, there will always be discontent. It is noteworthy that in March and April the government frankly took militias, excessive measures, and now there is no confidence to do so, and the data shows that we are now in a situation 10 times more difficult than then, “commented in” Politically incorrect “Professor Daniel Valchev, dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Sofia and former Minister of Education, adding:

“We are witnessing an extremely chaotic talk on the subject of the coronavirus, including a chaotic talk by experts, from a mathematician to a doctor and from an academic to a merchant and the director of a football club. This chaos does not favor anyone. “.

According to him, there is a lack of legitimacy of the government after the protests of the summer.

Staying in power in Boyko Borissov’s government will cost him a heavy price, predicts Professor Valchev:

“It has chosen this path and no one can overthrow the government by peaceful means. Leaving aside the general delegitimization, this government is not much different from any other government, it has good and bad ministers.” What sets it apart is that we can’t even remember the names of a third of the ministers. “

According to him, it would not be surprising if GERB wins the vote again in the next parliamentary elections, but he expressed doubts that this will happen:

“It is difficult to make predictions because the situation is not normal. Some people are afraid of what is happening, others are trying to get back to normal as soon as possible. Some see economic opportunities in this situation, others are worried about I hope things calm down in the spring, hopefully sooner. “

Distance education as the future of education

“Before the crisis with the virus, many thought that distance education was the future of education … I hope that now everyone understands that communication between teacher and students, between teacher and students is not just a matter of a system of signs that it follows by cable or without cable. It is a question of many other things that requires distance learning … My personal opinion is that the sooner we return to normality, the better. “

The case “Prof. Mihail Mirchev”

The Student Society for Equality demanded the dismissal of Professor Mihail Mirchev for xenophobia, racism and nationalism in his lectures in an open letter to the rector of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski.” Bulgarian professors and researchers abroad endorsed a protest letter against Professor Mirchev’s lectures.

Professor Daniel Valchev said that it is “very ugly that a university professor does not know the measure”, especially when young people trust him and have expectations in terms of knowledge, but also behaviors, and he deviates from it. He described the case as very important because his personal vision of the task of science and university people is to sow doubts instead of reaping beliefs:

“The job of politicians is to create consensus in society, the university student must sow doubt. The question is, when you are in the department, how far is your freedom to express position and freedom to sow doubts, there is a restriction. This is the great question of freedom … Are there limits to what I can say to my students? Can I say everything about everyone, about all religions? This problem in the Western world is not solved. “
