Dani Kanazireva with an address for all residents of the district!


© Plovdiv24.bg

Appeal of the regional governor Dani Kanazireva:

Dear residents of Plovdiv and the region,

I address you with concern and a call for personal responsibility!

I can already see how all kinds of avenues are being sought to circumvent the order of the Minister of Health and the measures introduced for nightclubs. It’s exactly what I said on Monday. Daily parties are already being organized, advertisements are posted and in this way, without going through the orders, each confectionery and each restaurant can become a place of entertainment and become nightclubs.

This is why we have introduced limited working hours for cocktail bars and coffee snacks, but obviously this can be easily circumvented by those who don’t want to follow the rules. Yes, we will control the institutions, but we cannot become gatekeepers. It all comes down to self-awareness, that is, as citizens to follow some simple rules: limit our contacts, avoid public events and wear masks when communicating.

I am completely against the total closure and the introduction of the afternoon schedule, because this will deal a great blow to our economy and will cause a great panic and a general psychosis. And the truth is that when there is no basic, personal and collective responsibility, no measure will be effective.

The measures in Bulgaria are the lightest in Europe, but we do not even observe them and therefore we are harming ourselves, the economy and our healthcare system. I’ve already ordered inspections, but there’s no way to put a police officer next to each one. Responsibility is common. That is why I appeal again to responsibility and compliance with the measures!

Unfortunately, what I see at the moment, I can only define it as a total lack of respect for all those who work day and night for months.

Every day we eagerly await a report on the infected doctors.

Every day we fear free beds in hospitals and we think about how to increase them for the next one.

Every day I personally ask each hospital and thank them for each extra bed.

The possibilities of hospitals, the strength of doctors and of all of us are not inexhaustible.

Our families need us too.

Be healthy!
